and compose another hymn as he walked slowly round. He did this, and Forward ! be our watchword, was the result. It came to Mr. Wood with a little note, saying that the dean had put it into its hat and boots, and Mr. Wood might add coat and trousers himself. He had written treble and bass ; Mrs. Worthington Bliss supplied the alto and tenor. The effect of the hymn when first sung by a thousand choristers was over whelming. The dean had those words in view, Speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward. The dean s tune has now given place to Henry Gadsby s St. Boniface, or a melody by Henry Smart.
Hymn 620. Hark ! hark, my soul ! angelic songs are swelling.
F. W. FABER, U.D. (54). In Oratory Hymns, 1854, entitled The Pilgrims of the Night.
Hymn 621. Saviour, blessed Saviour. GODFREY TURING, D.D. (129).
Pressing Onwards. Written in 1862 ; first published in his Hymns, Congregational and others, 1866. \Vhen included in S. P.O. K. Ctnn\-k Hymns, 1871, Dr. Thring added the verse, Farther, ever farther. 1
Of Dr. Thring s nine stanzas, Nos. 2, 4, 5> 7 are omitted here.
Hymn 622. Jesus, still lead on. ZINZENDORF (370) ; translated by EDWARD POPE.
Mr. Pope was born at Hull in 1837, and is brother of the Rev. Henry J. Pope, D.D. ,Wesleyan Home Missionary Secretary. He took an active part in Home Mission work in Hull, and on removing to London in 1863 became founder of the Wesleyan German Mission, of which he was for many years class-leader, local preacher, and circuit steward. He also took an active part in introducing Methodism into a number of villages in the Epping Forest region. In 1891 he moved to Geraldton, Western Australia, where he has been mayor and magistrate, and an active worker in the Methodist Church. German hymnology has been his favourite study, and he has published many trans lations of German hymns in various magazines.
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