Ver. 5 is omitted
To our Redeemer God Wisdom and pow r belongs, Immortal crowns of majesty, And everlasting songs.
Hymn 617. In every time and place. CHARLES WESLEY (i).
Hymns on the Acts of the Apostles (left in MS.) ; Works, xii. 201. Get thee out of thy country, &c. Acts vii. 3.
Hymn 618. How happy every child of grace. CHARLES WESLEY (i).
Funeral Hymns, 2nd Series, 1759, No. 2; Works, vi. 216. Four verses omitted.
John Wesley gives in his Journal for October, 1774, an account of Susannah Spencer, who died that year, and often repeated to those around her the lines
The race we all are running now !
And if I first attain, Ye too your willing head shall bow ;
Ye shall the conquest gain !
Hymn 619. Forward ! be our watchword.
Dean Alford was born in London, October 7, 1810 ; was made Dean of Canterbury in 1857 by Lord Palmerston, and died at Canterbury, January 12, 1871. His edition of the Greek Testament, in four volumes (1849-61), cost him twenty years labour, and is his chief work. He was for some years editor of the Contemporary Review. This hymn was written for the tenth festival of parochial choirs of the Canterbury Diocesan Union on June 6, 1871. Dean Alford died before it was used. The Rev. J. G. Wood asked the dean to write a processional hymn for a Church festival, and set it to music. Dean Alford s hymn did not seem to Mr. Wood well adapted to be sung on the march, and he begged the dean to go into his cathedral
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