were by Miss Borthwick, fifty-three by her sister. This hymn, which is original, and not a translation, appeared in her Thoughts for Thoughtful Hours, 1859.
Hymn 491. I will not let Thee go, Thou Help in time of need !
WOLFGANG CHRISTOPH DESSLER (1660-1722) ; translated by
Dessler was the son of a jeweller at Niirnberg. Poverty and ill-health compelled him to give up his theological studies in the University of Altdorf. He returned to Niirnberg, and supported himself as a proof-reader. He became amanuensis to Erasmus Finx, and translated various religious books into German. In 1705 he was appointed Conrector of the School of the Holy Ghost at Niirnberg, and laboured with much success till stricken with paralysis in 1720. The best of his hundred hymns, many with melodies by himself, appeared in a volume of meditations which he published in 1692.
Ich lass dich nicht, du musst mein Jesus bleiben, founded on Gen. xxxii. 36, is given here with a meditation on The Striving Love. Christiana Eberhardina, Queen of Poland, asked that it might be sung at her death-bed, September 5, 1726.
Miss Winkworth s translation of stanzas 4, 5, 9 appeared in her Lyra Germanica, 1855, Ich lass dich nicht, du Hiilf in alien Nothen.
��r ^ Hymn 492. Begone, unbelief ; my Saviour is near.
Olney Hymns, 1779, headed I will trust and not be afraid. Verses 4 and 6 are omitted
Determined to save, He watched o er my path, When, Satan s blind slave, I sported with death ; And can He have taught me, To trust in His name, And thus far have brought me, To put me to shame ?
How bitter that cup, No heart can conceive, Which He drank quite up, That sinners might live ! His way was much rougher, And darker than mine ; Did Jesus thus suffer, And shall I repine?
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