were the last syllables he could frame clearly. Trying to add the concluding lines of the verse
And publish with our latest breath Thy love and guardian care
utterance failed him. He crossed his hands over his breast, and without a struggle entered on his Master s joy.
He had written to a friend some weeks before, The pins of my tabernacle must loosen, and the canvas must have its rents and holes. The leading wish of my heart is, as expressed in the hymn which I often say and sing
Let me in life, in death, Thy steadfast truth declare, And publish with my latest breath Thy love and guardian care.
(Miss Reeling s William Dawson.)
Hymn 482. Away, my needless fears.
Hymns and Sacred Poems, 1749; Works, v. 448. Hymns for Christian Friends, No. 35. Ten verses of eight lines.
In the original, ver. I reads, That calms my stormy breast.
Hymn 483. My Father knows the things I need.
Hymns on the Four Gospels (left in MS.) ; Works, x. 190. Ver. I is from No. 128 of that collection, ver. 2 from 124, ver. 3 from 125, ver. 4 from 126.
Hymn 484. Thy way, not mine, O Lord. DR. H. BONAR (70).
Appeared in Hymns of Faith and Hope, 1857. The first of the three volumes of his collected poems. Another verse appears in the original
Choose Thou for me my friends,
My sickness or my health ; Choose Thou my cares for me,
My poverty or wealth.
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