Hymn -157. O that I could in every place.
Short Hymns on Select Passages of Scripture (left in MS. ) ; Works, ix. 276. Ps. xvi. 9 : I have set God always before me, &c.
Hymn 458, O it is hard to work for God,
F. W. FABER, D.D. (54). In Jesus and Mary, 1849, entitled The Right must Win.
Hymn 459. Shall I, for fear of feeble man.
JOHANN JOSEPH WlXCKLER (1670-1722) ; translated by JOHN WESLEY (36).
1 Sollt ich aus Furcht vor Menschenkindern. Torsi s Gesan-RucJi, 1708. Hymns and Sacred Poems, 1739; Works, i. 177. Boldness in the Gospel. Ten verses. Three verses are here omitted. One is sorry to lose them, for all are good, but the original form is too long for public worship. In ver. 4, the reading of 1739 is Or the world s favour.
Winckler was son of the town clerk of Lucka, and studied at Leipzig when A. H. Francke and J. C. Schade were holding their Bible readings. His sympathies were thus enlisted with the Pietist Movement. In 1692 he was appointed Preacher at St. George s Hospital, Magdeburg. He visited England in 1697, and in 1698 became diaconus of Magdeburg Cathedral. He died at Magdeburg in 1722.
This hymn on constancy and boldness in bearing witness for Christ well represents Winckler s spirit. He encountered much opposition in Magdeburg through the stand he made against theatre-going, and his effort to bring about a closer union between the Lutheran and Reformed Churches. Miss Winkworth describes this as one of the standard hymns of Germany.
On June 26, 1738, Mrs. Delamotte sharply attacked Charles Wesley for his sermon on faith and his brother s teaching in the presence of his friend, the Rev. Henry Piers, Vicar of Bexley, and others. It is hard people must have their children seduced in their absence. If every one must have your faith,
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