It begins—
Long have I labour'd in the fire,
And spent my life for nought ;
With pride, and anger, and desire,
In nature's strength I fought.
This hymn is made up of verses 6, 8, 9, 10.
Hymn 394. Jesus the good Shepherd is.
- Select Psalms (left in MS.) ; Works, viii.46. Printed in Arminian Magazine, 1800.
Mr. W. T. Brooke says, 'This exquisite version of the twenty-third Psalm is beyond praise. The wonderful way in which other passages of Scripture are introduced is very striking. Other noble versions of the psalm are elsewhere in this volume, but no English translation matches this for suggestiveness.' A 'lovely little lyric' by Charles Wesley on the second verse is given in his Short Hymns on Select Passages of Scripture (Works, ix. 281)—
Bear me to the sacred scene,
The silent streams and pastures green!
Where the crystal waters shine,
Springing up with life divine!
Where the flock of Israel feed,
Guided by their Shepherd's tread,
And every sheep delights to hide
Under the tree where Jesus died!
Hymn 395. Jesus my Shepherd my want shall supply
SAMUEL DANKS WADDY, K.C. (1830-1902).
Judge Waddy was the son of the Rev. S. D. Waddy, D.D., who was Governor of Wesley College, Sheffield, 1844-61, and President of the Wesleyan Conference, 1859. He became a candidate for our ministry, and was in training at one of the colleges, when he left to study for the bar. He became Q.C. and M.P., and was made Judge of Sheffield County Court by Lord Halsbury. He was a noted lay preacher, strongly attached throughout life to his own Church, which he served as one of the treasurers of the Metropolitan Chapel Building Fund, and in many other ways.