wandering from your God ? " The answer was, " Yes, indeed I am." Thereupon I had the great privilege of dealing with an anxious soul.
Next Sunday we not only sang the hymn, but I preached specially to weary wanderers. The following day an old man grasped my hand as I entered his cell, and in an earnest and solemn voice said, "When the great day comes there will be found a soul among the redeemed, brought there through that hymn we sang yesterday, for, he continued, " when you read out, Weary of wandering from my God, I said, That s me. I m weary, and I m made ready to return, and," he added, " come back to my God I have."
Hymn 339. Jesus, I believe Thee near ! CHARLES WESLEY (i).
Hymns and Sacred Poems, 1749 ; Works, iv. 416. For one fallen from grace. Ver. 3 is omitted.
In ver. 3 Charles Wesley wrote, Monument of Thy power to save.
Hymn 340. O tis enough, my God, my God !
Hymns on God s Everlasting Love, Bristol, 1741 ; Works, iii. 18. Eleven verses. Nine verses were given in No. I of the Arminian Magazine, headed Salvation depends not on absolute decrees.
Hymn 341. I will hearken what the Lord. CHARLES WESLEY (i).
Hymns and Sacred Poems, 1742; Works, ii. 264. Waiting for Christ the Prophet. The last verse is omitted.
Hymn 342. Come, holy celestial Dove.
Hymns of Petition and Thanksgiving for the Promise of the Father, 1746; Works, iv. 195. Two verses omitted.
Hymn 343. O for a closer walk with God.
In Conyers Collection, 1772. It is based on Gen. v. 24, and in Olney Hymns is headed Walking with God.
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