Hymn 242. Spirit of truth! on this Thy day. REGINALD HEBER, D.D. (28).
Whit Sunday. Appeared in his posthumous Hymns, 1827. A weak verse of the original is omitted
We neither have nor seek the power
111 demons to control ; But Thou, in dark temptation s hour, Shalt chase them from the soul.
Hymn 243. O Breath of God, breathe on us now. ALFRED H. VINE.
Appeared in Methodist Recorder, 1901.
Mr. Vine, son of the Rev. John Vine, Wesleyan minister, was born in Nottingham in 1845, educated at King Edward s School, Birmingham, and King s College, London ; entered Wesleyan ministry, 1867.
Mr. Vine has published three volumes of poems The Doom of Saul, Songs of the Heart (1905), and Songs of Living Things, a book for young people on animal intelligence. He has also written for the Methodist periodicals. Mr. Vine wrote, O great Lord Christ, my Saviour, and Saviour, Thy clear eyes behold, for the Young Peoples Hymnal.
Hymn 244. Breathe on me, Breath of God.
EDWIN HATCH, D.D. (1835-89). In Dr. Allon s Congregational Psalmist Hymnal, 1 886.
Dr. Hatch, born in Derby, was a Professor in Toronto, and head of Quebec High School. In 1867 he was chosen Vice-Principal of St. Mary Hall, Oxford ; Rector of Purleigh, 1883 ; Reader in Ecclesiastical History, 1884. After his death his poems were published by his widow in Towards Fields of Light, 1890. They are a beautiful supplement to his theology, and reveal the depth and tenderness of his own religious life.
His famous Bampton Lectures On the Organization of Early Christian Churches, 1881, have awakened keen con troversy. They showed that the writer was one of the most original and erudite students of early Church history that
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