Chapel. The poet dined there on October 26, 1745, an d says, The family concealed their fright tolerably well. Mr. Rich behaved with great civility. I foresee the storm my visit will bring upon him. According to Samuel Wesley, Mrs. Rich asked Handel to set music to these hymns. He says, I cannot anticipate a greater musical gratification (not even at the York or Birmingham Festivals) than that of hearing chanted by a thousand voices, and in the strains of Handel, " Rejoice, the Lord is King ! "
Hymn 214. Jesus, Thou art our King!
Hymns and Sacred Poems, 1739; Works, i. 154. Second Hymn to Christ the King. Ver. 4 originally read Pride, and self, and every foe. The change here was made in the Large Hymn-book, 1780.
Hymn 215. Sing we to our conquering Lord.
From the Arminian Magazine, 1798; Works, viii. 183. Psalm xcviii. Seven verses. The last three omitted.
Hymn 216. Omnipotent Redeemer. CHARLES WESLEY (i).
Hymns on the Acts of the Apostles, xxi. 20 ; Works, xii. 387. In ver. 2 the original reads, Of practical believers ; ver. 3 halts badly
And myriads more Take into Thine embraces.
Hymn 217. All thanks be to God.
Hymns for those that seek and those that have Redemption in the Blood of Jesus Christ, No. 3 ; Works, iv. 210. Thanksgiving for the Success of the Gospel. Eight verses. One verse is omitted, and two half-verses. The verse which is left out shows how Charles Wesley s muse sometimes droops
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