hymn to Christ. At the words, " Who for me, for me hast died," she burst out into tears and outcries, " I believe, I believe ! " and sank down. She continued, and increased in the assurance of faith ; full of peace, and joy, and love. We sang and prayed again. I observed one of the maids run out, and, following, found her full of tears, and joy, and love. I asked what ailed her. She answered, as soon as joy would let her, that " Christ died for her!" She appeared quite overpowered with His love.
Hymn 116. Jesus comes with all His gi*ace.
Hymns and Sacred Poems, 1749, No. 33; Works, v. 332. For those that wait for full redemption. Four verses are omitted.
Hymn 117. We saw Thee not when Thou didst come.
From Psalms and Hymns, for use in the churches of Marylebone, 1851, which contains thirteen of Mr. Gurney s hymns. Among them is Fair waved the golden corn, a hymn on The Offering of the First-fruits.
Mr. Gurney was the eldest son of Sir John Gurney, Baron of the Court of Exchequer. He studied for the law, but preferred the Church. He was a man of position and wealth. He became curate of Lutterworth, where he remained, in spite of many flattering offers, for seventeen years. He was made Rector of St. Mary s, Marylebone, 1842, and afterwards Prebendary of St. Paul s.
This hymn, of which a detailed account is given in Julian s Dictionary, was suggested by a poem in a small American volume. This was well conceived, but imperfectly executed ; and after successive alterations, Mr. Gurney found that nothing remained of the original composition but the first four words and the repeated words. It is traced to a volume compiled by the elder daughters of the Rev. W. Carus Wilson, Songs from the. Valley : A Collection of Sacred Poetry, Kirkby Lonsdale, 1834. It is headed Faith. Blessed are they who have not seen, and yet have believed. The first verse reads
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