The third line was distinctly heard. He died as he had lived, strong through joyful trust in his Saviour.
Jesus, these eyes have never seen, which he wrote in 1858 on Christ loved, though unseen, ranks next to his My faith looks up to Thee. It was the favourite hymn of Principal Brown, of Aberdeen. Some of Dr. Palmer s translations from the Latin are very beautiful.
Hymn 112. Behold the sure foundation-stone.
Psalms of David, 1719. Psalm cxviii. 22, 23. Christ the Foundation of His Church."
Hymn 113. Thou art the Way ; by Thee alone. GEORGE WASHINGTON DOANE, D.D.
From his Songs by the Way, 1824. Headed Christ this day.
Dr. Doane was born at Trenton, New Jersey, in 1799. Rector of Trinity Church, Boston, U.S.A., 1828 ; Bishop of New Jersey, 1832. Bishop Doane s learning and great gifts of mind and heart have won him a lasting place in the religious life of America. He died at Burlington, New Jersey, 1859. His son, Dr. Cross- well Doane, is Bishop of Albany. In 1860 he published his father s Works in four volumes with a memoir. In the judge ment of many this ranks first among American hymns.
Hymn 114. What equal honours shall we bring. ISAAC WATTS, D.D. (3).
Hymns and Spiritual Songs, 1709. Christ s humiliation and exaltation." Ver. 4 is omitted
All riches are His native right,
Yet He sustain d amazing loss ; To Him ascribe eternal might,
Who left His weakness on the cross.
The original of ver. 4, line I, reads, Honour immortal must be paid ; iand the second line of ver. 5, Who bore the curse for wretched man."
This was omitted from the Methodist hymn-book in 1875, and restored in 1904.
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