Castle Hill, Northampton, and trained two hundred students for the ministry and other professions. Wesley called to see him on September 10, 1745. It was about the hour when he was accustomed to expound a portion of Scripture to the young gentlemen under his care. He desired me to take his place. It may be the seed was not altogether sown in vain. At his request Doddridge sent Wesley, in June, 1746, a list of books suitable for a library for young preachers.
His Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul has had enormous influence. Doddridge was always delicate, and at his birth seemed so lifeless that he would have been buried had it not been for the intervention of the nurse. When threatened with consumption he was ordered to take a sea voyage, and died at Lisbon, October 26, 1751.
His hymns were circulated in manuscript, and copies were much prized. They were published in 1755. A copy of O God of Bethel is preserved in Doddridge s handwriting, dated January 16, 1731, and headed Jacob s Vow; from Gen. xxxiii. 20, 22. Another copy of this MS. which is still in existence formerly belonged to Lady Frances Erskine, a friend of Dodd ridge who married Colonel Gardiner. From her Dr. Blair secured it for a committee of which he was a member, which was engaged in compiling the Scottish Translations and Paraphrases, 1745. Shield in ver. 4 was then changed to wings. John Logan, minister at South Leith( 1748-88), partly rewrote the hymn, and published it in his Poems, 1781. The same year Logan s version was given in the revised edition of the Translations and Paraphrases, with a new verse instead of Logan s ver. 5. Logan was a member of this committee.
Doddridge s original is as follows :
O God of Bethel, by whose hand
Thine Israel still is fed Who thro this weary pilgrimage Hast all our fathers led
To Thee our humble vows we raise
To Thee address our prayei And in Thy kind and faithful breast
Deposite all our care If Thou thro" each perplexing path
Wilt be our constant Guide If Thou wilt daily bread supply
And raiment wilt provide
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