Angels and men, resign your claim To pity, mercy, love, and grace ; These glories crown Jehovah s name
With an incomparable blaze ! Who is a pardoning God like Thee ? Or who has grace so rich and free ?
Hymn 69. Eternal depth of love divine. ZINZENDORF ; translated by JOHN WESLEY (36).
Hymns and Sacred Poeins, 1739; Works, i. 173; headed *God with us. From the German Du ewiger Abgrund der seligen Liebe, written for the birthday of his friend Count Henkel of Oderberg, September 21, 1726.
When published in 1 730, it was headed Ein Erweckungs Lied an Fest-Tagen." It appeared in the Herrnhut Gesang-Buch^ \ 735. Wesley s translation was in four verses of eight lines each.
The last four lines of ver. 3 and the first four of ver. 4 are omitted. They are
Still on Thee, Father, may we rest !
Still may we pant Thy Son to know ! Thy Spirit still breathe into our breast,
Fountain of peace and joy below !
Oft have we seen Thy mighty power Since from the world Thou mad st us free!
Still may we praise Thee more and more, Our hearts more firmly knit to Thee !
NlCOLAUS LUDWIG, COUNT VON ZlNZENDORF, the SOU of the Prime Minister of Saxony, was born at Dresden, educated at Halle and Wittenberg, and became Hof- und Justizrath at Dresden in 1721. The first Moravian settlers found a home on his estates in 1722, and formed the nucleus of the settle ment of Herrnhut. In 1727 he gave himself to the care of the growing community, and became Bishop of the Moravian Brethren, 1737. He died at Herrnhut in 1760. As a schoolboy at Halle he founded The Order of the Grain of Mustard Seed, one object of which was the conversion of others, including Jews and Pagans. In 1731 he was able to begin the missionary service which has won for the Moravians their highest glory. Charles Wesley met the Count when he visited England in 1737. Peter Bohler, whom the Count had ordained for work in Carolina, taught the Wesleys the way of faith, and sent his
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