THE LION AND THE BEASTS 55How the lion again declared exertion to be superior to trust
in God and expounded the advantages of exertion. “Yes,” said the lion; “but at the same time consider the exertions of the prophets and the true believers.
God, exalted is He, prospered their exertion and what they suffered of oppression and heat and cold.
Their plans were excellent in all circumstances: everything done by a goodly man is goodly.
Their snares caught the Heavenly bird, all their deficiencies turned to increment.”
O master, exert thyself so long as thou canst in (following) the way of the prophets and saints!
Endeavour is not a struggle with Destiny, because Destiny itself has laid this (endeavour) upon us.
I am an infidel if any one has suffered loss a single moment (while walking) in the way of faith and obedience.
Your head is not broken: do not bandage this head. Exert yourself (in doing good works) for a day or two (i.e. during this brief life), and laugh unto everlasting!
An evil resort sought he that sought this world; a good state sought he that sought the world to come.
Plots for gaining (the things of) this world are worthless, (but) plots for renouncing this world are inspired (by God).
The (right) plot is that he (the prisoner) digs a hole in his prison (in order to escape); if he blocks up the hole, that is a foolish plot.
This world is the prison, and we are the prisoners: dig a hole in the prison and let yourself out!
What is this world? To be forgetful of God; it is not mer- chandise and silver and weighing-scales and women.
As regards the wealth that you carry for religion's sake, “How good is righteous wealth (for the righteous man)!” as the Prophet recited.
Water in the boat is the ruin of the boat, (but) water underneath the boat is a support.
Since he cast out from his heart (the desire for) wealth and possessions, on that account Solomon did not call himself (by any name) but “poor”;
The stoppered jar, (though) in rough water, floated on the water because of its wind-filled (empty) heart.
When the wind of poverty is within (any one), he rests at peace on the surface of the water of the world;
Although the whole of this world is his kingdom, in the eye of his heart the kingdom is nothing.
Therefore stopper and seal the mouth of your heart, and fill it from the inward ventilator.