{| class="__publist"
|- | XVI, || 1, 2, 3. Taʾríkh-i-Jahán-gusháy of Juwayní, Persian text, ed. Mírzá Muḥammad; 1, Mongols, 1913, 15s. Out of print.; 2, Khwárazmsháhs, 1917, 15s.; 3, Assassins, in preparation. |- | XVII. || Kashfuʾl-Maḥjúb (Şúfí doctrine), transl. Nicholson, 1911, 15s. Out of print. |- | XVIII,|| 2 (all hitherto published), Jámiʿuʾt-Tawárikh of Rashíduʾd-Dín Faḍluʾlláh (Persian text), ed. and annotated by Blochet, 1912, 15s. |- | XIX. || Kitábuʾl-Wulát of al-Kindí (Arabic text), ed. Guest, 1912, 15s. |- | XX. || Kitábuʾl-Ansáb of as-Samʿání (Arabic text, fac-simile), 1913, 20s. Out of print. |- | XXI.|| Díwáns of ʿÁmir b. aṭ-Ṭufayl and ʿAbíd b. al-Abraṣ (Arabic text and transl. by SirCharles J. Lyall), 1913, 12s. |- | XXII. || Kitábuʾl-Lumaʿ (Arabic text), ed. Nicholson, 1914, 15s. |- | XXIII, || 1, 2. Nuzhatu-ʾl-Qulúb of Ḥamduʾllah Mustawfi; 1, Persian text, ed. le Strange, 1915, 8s.; 2, English transl. le Strange, 1918, 8s. |- | XXIV. || Shamsuʾl-ʿUlúm of Nashwán al-Ḥimyarí, extracts from the Arabic text with German Introduction and Notes by ʿAẓímuʾd-Dín Aḥmad, 1916, 5s. |- | [XXV. || Díwáns of aṭ-Ṭufayl b. ʿAwf and aṭ-Ṭirimmáḥ b. Ḥakím (Arabic text), ed. Krenkow, in the Press]. |- | colspan=2 style="text-align:center;"|NEW SERIES |- | I. || Fárs-náma of Ibnuʾl-Balkhí, Persian text, ed. le Strange and Nicholson, 1921, 20s. |- | II. || Ráhatuʾṣ-Ṣudúr (History of Saljúqs) of ar-Ráwandi, Persian text, ed. Muhammad Iqbál, 1921, 47s. 6d. |- | III. || Indexes to Sir C. J. Lyall's edition of the Mufaddalíyát, compiled by A. A. Bevan, 1924, 42s. |- | IV. || Mathnawí-i Maʿnawi of Jalálu'ddin Rúmí. 1, Persian text of the First and Second Books, ed. Nicholson, 1925, 20s.; 2, Translation of the First and Second Books, 1926, 20.s |- | || Mázandarán, and Astarábád, by H. L. Rabino, with Maps (in the Press). |- | || Díwán of al-Aʿsha, Arabic text with German translation by R. Geyer (in the Press). |}