which the besieged were busy in repairing. The shock was terrible; eighteen companies took part in it, and D^Artag- nan went with the rest, within half cannon-shot of the place, to support the attack by echelons. The cries of the Dutch, who were being poniarded upon their guns by D'Ar- tagnan's grenadiers, were distinctly audible. The struggle grew fiercer with the despair of the governor, who disputed his position foot by foot. D'Artagnan, to put an end to the affair, and silence the fire, which was unceasing, sent a fresh column, which penetrated like a wimble through the posts that remained solid; and he soon perceived upon the ramparts, through the fire, the terrified flight of the be- sieged pursued by the besiegers. ' It was at this moment the general, breathing freely and full of joy, heard a voice behind him, saying: "Monsieur, if you please, from Monsieur Colbert." He broke the seal of a letter which contained these words: "Monsieur d'Artagnan: The king commands me to inform you that he has nominated you Marechal of France, as a reward of your good services, and the honor you do to his arms. The king is highly pleased, monsieur, with the captures you have made; he commands you, in particular, to finish the siege you have commenced, with good fortune to you, and success for him." D'Artagnan was standing with a heated countenance and a sparkling eye. He looked up to watch the progress of his troops upon the walls, still enveloped in red and black vol- umes of smoke. "I have finished," replied he to the messenger; "the city will have surrendered in a quarter of an hour." He then resumed his reading: "The coffret. Monsieur D'Artagnan, is my own present. You will not be sorry to see that while you warriors are drawing the sword to defend the king, I am animating the pacific arts to ornament the recompenses worthy of you. I commend myself to your friendship. Monsieur le Marechal, and beg you to believe in all mine. Colbert." D'Artagnan, intoxicated with joy, made a sign to the messenger, who approached, with his coffret in his hands.
But at the moment the marechal was going to look at it, a