the number of seven — Mademoiselle Stewart, Mademoiselle Wells, Mademoiselle Gwyn, Miss Orchay, Mademoiselle Zunga, Miss Davies, and the proud Countess of Castlemaine — will represent to the king that war costs a great deal of money; that it is better to give balls and suppers at Hamp- ton Court than to equip vessels of the line at Portsmouth and Greenwich." "And then your negotiations will fail?"
- '0h! those ladies cause all negotiations to fail that they
don't make themselves."
- Do you know the idea that has struck me, sister?"
- No; tell me what it is."
- 'It is that searching well around you, you might perhaps
find a female counselor to take with you to your brother, whose eloquence might paralyze the ill-will of the seven others."
- 'That is really an idea, sire, and I will search."
- You will find what you want."
- I hope so."
- A pretty person is necessary; an agreeable face is better
than an ugly one, is it not?" "Most assuredly." "An animated, lively, audacious character." "Certainly." "Nobility; that is, enough to enable her to approach the king without awkwardness — little enough, so as not to trouble herself about the dignity of her race." "Quite just." "And who knows a little English." ^^ Mon Dieu! why, some one," cried madame, "like Made- moiselle de Keroualle, for instance!" "Oh! why, yes!" said Louis XIV.; "you have found — it is you who have found, my sister." "I will take her; she will have no cause to complain, I suppose." "Oh, no; I will name her seductrice pUnipotentiaire at once, and will add the dowry to the title." "That is— well." "I fancy you already on your road, my dear little sister, and consoled for all your griefs." "I will go, on two conditions. The first is, that I shall know what I am negotiating about." "This is it. The Dutch, you know, insult me daily in their gazettes, and by their republican attitude. I don't
like republics."