painfully into the dark waves of the past, which had swal- lowed up for him so many friendships and so many hatreds. Monsieur le Due d'Almeda, who is arrived this morning from Spain.
- 'The Due d'Almeda? said D'Artagnan, reflecting in
vain. I!" said an old man, white as snow, sitting bent in his carriage, which he caused to be thrown open to make room for the musketeer.
- 'Aramis!" cried D'Artagnan, struck with perfect stupor.
And he left, inert as it was, the thin arm of the old noble- man hanging round his neck. Colbert, after having observed them in silence for a min- ute, put his horse forward, and left the two old friends to- gether. And so," said the musketeer, taking the arm of Aramis,
- 'you, the exile, the rebel, are again in France?"
"Ah! and I shall dine with you at the king's table," said Aramis, smiling. "Yes, you will not ask yourself what is the use of fidelity in this world? Stop! let us allow poor Valliere's carriage to pass. Look, how uneasy she is! How her eye, dimmed with tears, follows the king, who is riding on horseback yonder!" "With whom?" "With Mademoiselle de Tonnay-Charente, now become Madame de Montespan," replied Aramis. "She is jealous; is she, then, deserted.'*" "Not quite yet, but it will not be long first." They chatted together, while following the sport, and Aramis' coachman drove them so cleverly that they got up at the moment when the falcon, attacking the bird, beat him down, and fell upon him. The king alighted; Mme. de Montespan followed his example. They were in front of an isolated chapel, concealed by large trees, already de- spoiled of their leaves by the first winds of autumn. Be- hind this chapel was an inclosure closed by a latticed gate. The falcon had beat down his prey in the inclosure belong- ing to this little chapel, and the king was desirous of going in to take the first feather, according to custom. The cortege formed a circle round the building and the hedges, too small to receive so many. D'Artagnan held back Aramis by the arm, as he was about, like the rest, to alight from his carriage, and in a hoarse, broken voice: "Do you know, Aramis," said he, "whither chance has
conducted us?"