The platform was already crowded, but the newcomers threaded their way to the front amid a decorous murmur of welcome. Mr. Peeble shoved and exhorted and two end seats emerged upon which Enid and Malone perched themselves. The arrangement suited them well, for they could use their notebooks freely behind the shelter of the folk in front.
“ What is your reaction ? ” whispered Enid.
“ Not impressed as yet.”
“ No, nor I,” said Enid, “ but it’s very interesting all the same.”
People who are in earnest are always interesting, whether you agree with them or not, and it was im¬ possible to doubt that the people were extremely earnest. The hall was crammed, and as one looked down one saw line after line of upturned faces, cu¬ riously alike in type, women predominating, but men running them close. That type was not distinguished nor intellectual, but it was undeniably healthy, honest and sane. Small trades-folk, male and female shop¬ walkers, better class artisans, lower middle-class women worn with household cares, occasional young folk in search of a sensation — these were the impressions which the audience conveyed to the trained observation of Malone.
The fat president rose and raised his hand.
“ My friends,” said he, “ we have had once more to exclude a great number of people who’d desired to be with us to-night. It’s all a question of the building fund, and Mr. Williams on my left will be glad to hear from any of you. I was in a hotel last week and they had a notice hung up in the reception bureau. ‘ No cheques accepted.’ That’s not the way Brother Williams talks. You just try him.”