“I’ve been practising on that for a week,” boasted the small person, proudly. “I’ve been trying and I bet a quarter that I’d do it, and two bits is some bet, lemme tell you! There’s lots of things you can do with two bits!”
Jamie thought of times when he had contemplated less than two bits in an open palm during the past few days, and admitted the truth of the assertion. Talking of money evidently started a new train of thought. With inquiring eyes the youngster studied him.
“Will you go to the hospital to see the Bee Master any time soon?”
“I’m waiting for a telephone call,” said Jamie. “Doctor Grayson told me that he would call and report progress and as soon as the Master is able to see me, of course I’ll go.”
The little Scout dipped in a breeches pocket and brought to light a handful of numerous things, and from strings and buttons and buckles and pebbles, with the left hand, selected a dime and two nickels and held them over to Jamie.
“When you go, will you stop at the nearest lunch counter and get a hot dog and a bottle of strawberry pop for him and give ’em to him from me with a tight hug and a kiss?”
Jamie accepted the money with a sober face.
“Surely,” he said, enthusiastically.
“I’ll give you the kiss for him right now,” said the small person, and without any preliminaries Jamie had pasted