of Vatsyayana
cides that that place is only well suited for the purpose which has proper means of ingress and egress, and where arrangements have been made to prevent any accidental occurrence, and when a man who has once entered the house, can also leave it at the proper time without any disagreeable encounter.
Now go-betweens or female messengers are of the following different kinds, viz.:
(1) A go-between who takes upon herself the whole burden of the business.
(2) A go-between who does only a limited part of the business.
(3) A go-between who is the bearer of a letter only.
(4) A go-between acting on her own account.
(5) The go-between of an innocent young woman.
(6) A wife serving as a go-between.
(7) A mute go-between.
(8) A go-between who acts the part of the wind.
(1) A woman who, having observed the mutual passion of a man and a woman, brings them together and arranges it by the power of her own intellect, such an one is called a go-between who takes upon herself the whole burden of the business. This kind of go-between is chiefly employed when the man and the woman are already acquainted with each other, and have conversed together, and in such cases she is sent not only by the man (as is always done in all other cases) but by the woman also.— The above name is also given to a go-between who, perceiving that the man and the woman are suited to each other, tries to bring about a union between them even though they be not acquainted with each other.
(2) A go-between who, perceiving that some part of the affair is already done, or that the advances on the part of the man are already made, completes the rest of the business is called a go-between who performs only a limited part of the business.
(3) A go-between, who simply carries messages between a man and a woman who love each other, but who cannot frequently meet, is called the bearer of a letter or message.
This name is also given to one who is sent by either of the lovers to acquaint either the one or the other with the time and place of their meeting.
(4) A woman who goes herself to a man, and tells him of her having enjoyed sexual union with him in a dream, and