Januaby, 1873.]
DESISABDASAMGRAHA. 19 2. * This collection of DeSi words, which is easy because they are arranged in alphabetical order, is composed in order (to remedy) the con¬ fusion caused (in the minds of students) by the astonishment arising from the fragrance of the Prakrit works.* 3. ‘ Those words are included here which are not explained in (my) grammar, nor known from the Sanskrit dictionaries, nor owe their origin to the power called gaunt lakshana (i. e. are not common words used in a metaphorical sense).! 4. * Endless are the forms that are used in the various provincial dialects. Therefore the term De6i is (used here) to denote those words only which have been used since immemorial times in Prakrit.’! Hemachandra’s collection includes, therefore, only those words which have been ‘ used since immemorial times in Prakrit literature or speech,* and which cannot be derived from their Sanskrit prototypes according to the rules of Prakrit grammars, as well as those Sanskrit words which have changed their meaning in Prakrit, provided that the change is not due to a metaphorical use. He excludes all Tadbhavas, as well as the greater number of the Tatsamas and the substi¬ tutes for Sanskrit roots. These principles have not, however, been strictly adhered to in the body of the work. More than once the example of his predecessors, amongst whom he names Qopala and Dropa most frequently, has moved the author to admit verbal derivatives which ought not to have been included. He discusses every one of these cases in the commentary, and tries to excuse his departure from his general rule. In this respect, as well as by the careful examina¬ tion of the evidence regarding doubtful words, he shows his scholarly taste* and raises himself far above the common book-makers, who are so numerous among the writers on the Hindu Sastras. As it may interest many Sanskritists to see what the Desi words are like, I subjoin a portion of the words beginning with ®T (a), together with their Sanskrit equivalents ;— ant srppr «TRf'T-*Tr!kFT: WHRTct arrfrrsTHfcpr anrcWft rr.off snfftMt ^ ^fr VsffWl vtsto r#*§<rll arttr 3nv^r trrwifc: afaTCt WI**PT arerfavTV:** af^T a^ntui^ aranrr^r wsiskr: i v aprjivwrrf^ «r*BT ar^Wt ?5PT:
- Dea't Babdena dea'iB'&strapynchyante |
Nihs'esTiadesfa'iwtraiinm parimalanena pallavitam pridur- bhfitam kvachid arthisam par kat vena kvachidvarn&n unfir vinis'chayabhavena kvachidgatanugatikapibaddhas'abdir- thataya yaktutfihalam ten&kulatvam | A'h kathamayam apabh raahtas 'abdapankamagno janah oa- muddharaqiya iti paropachikirshdrabhagastena hetonfl, de- s'irdpinam B'abdanam samgraho virachyateam&bhiriti a'whah || f Lakshane a'abdas'iatre siddhahemachandranamni ye na Biddh&h prakritipratyayadivibh&gena na niahpanni- stetra nibaddhah | yetu vajjarapajjaraupphalapisanasangbavollacbavajapa slsasahadayah kathyiklinamades'atvena eadhitastenr yairdes'ishupratigrihitaapyasmabhirna nibaddhah j yecha eatyamapi prakritipratyayadivibhagena siddhau Bamskritabhidhinnkoshepbu na prasiddhah | yathft amritanirgamacbchhinnodbhavkmahajaad&dayii- 8'chandradirvaharadisbvartheBbu | ye cha sanakritabhidh&nakosheahu na prkaiddha api gaunya lakahnanayil vilankftrachfidamanipratip&di- taya B'aktyd sambhavanti ] * yathB mfirkhe baillo gang&tate gafigflVabdasta iha ddstsabdasamgrahe na nibaddhah X Des'a vis'eaha maharaabtrabhiradayaateahu praaiddh - yam | agft paachat | Nikkaro lajitah | utkbarnhamvio tuksbiptah | Preyando dhfirtah | hingo i&rah I vidda prapanchkh | Dadba m(irkha ityevamftdayah a'abdS vadyuchyeram- Bfcada defi'avis'eah^nSmanantatvatpuruanftyuBheijapi na aarvaaamgrahah ay at | tasmadanidipravritt prakritabhMh&vif'eeha- evades'i s'abdenochyate|| * ‘ ' * * § Has another form airippo. D By metathesis for achir&bhft. 1 Corresponds to a Sanskrit ankas'ayitam.
- * Halahaa kankelll