THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [May, 1873. into moksha or beatitude, took place 900 krors of sdgaras later than the seventh Tirthankara. 9. Pushpadanta, also named S u v i d a, was the son of S u p r iy a* by R a m a : he was born at Kakendrapnri, of the same race and com¬ plexion with the last; his mark is a makara or crocodile, and his Devi is Sutaraka. His stature was 100 poles, and his life lasted 200,000 years. He was deified on Samet Sikhar ninety krdrs of sdgaras after Chandraprabha. 10. Sit ala, the son of Dridharathaby N a n d a, was born at Bhadalpur; of the same race, and with a golden com¬ plexion : his sign is the mark called Srlvatsa, and his Sasanadevi—A s o k a. His stature was ninety poles, and his life 100,000 great years; his deification on Samet Sikhar dates nine krors of sdgaras later than the preceding. 11. Sreyansa, or Sri Ausanatha, was the son ofYishnubyYishnajof the same race and complexion, bom in Sindh, with a rhinoceros (kkadgt) for his cognizance. His devi was Manavi. He was eighty poles in stature, and lived 8,400,000 common years, dying at Samet Sikhar more than a hundred sdgaras of years before the end of the fourth age. 12. Vasupujya or Vasupadya, or YASUpfijTA Svami was son of Y a s u p ft j y a by J a y a ; bom at Champapuri, of the same race, with a red complexion, having a buffalo (mahisha) for his mark, and Chanda for his devi. Ho was seventy poles high, lived 7,200,000 years, and attained nirvdna at Champapuri fifty-four su¬ gar as after the eleventh Jina. 13. ViMALAwas son of K ri t a v arm an by 6 y a m a, was bom at Kumpalapuri; of the same race and of yellow complexion. He has a boar (sdkara) for his characteristic, and Y i d i t a was his devi ; he was sixty poles high, lived 6.000. 000 years, and was deified on Samet &i- khar thirty sdgaras later than the twelfth Jina. 14. Ananta, or Anantajita, was son of SinhasenabySuyaSaor Jayasyama, and bom at Ayodhya. His sign is a falcon (syena) ; his Sasana Devi was A n k u s a ; his height was fifty poles, the length of his life 3.000. 000 years, and his death nine sdgaras after the preceding. The following translation from the Chdmunda Raya Purdna respecting him may be given as a specimen of the legend¬ ary lives of these hierarchs :— "Padmaratha the Arusu of Arish ta- p u r a, of Air&vata Kshetra,in the Mu. dana Mandira (or Eastern Meru) in the Dhata Kishanda Dvipa, receiving reli¬ gious instructions fromS vayamprabh&Jina, he became disgusted with the world, and trans¬ ferring the kingdom to his son Ghanaratha, he adopted a penitential life, read through the eleven Angas, and contemplated the sixteen Bhd- vanas or meditations, he acquired the quality fit¬ ting him for becoming a Tirthankar: pursuing his religious penance, he quitted his body, and was bora in the Achyuta Kalpa in the Pushpottara Vimdna asAchyutendra, with a life of twen¬ ty-two sagaras, of the stature of thirty cubits, of subdued appetites, perfectly contented with his fate, with a knowledge penetrating as far as to the seventh lower world, he was enjoying the hap¬ piness of that world. Afterwards Jayasy&maDevi, the consort of Simhasena Mah&r&ja, of the Ka6ya- pa Gotra, of the lineage of Ikshv&ku, the ruler of Ayodhy&pura, in the Bharat Kshetra of Jambudvfpa, on the 1st day of the month K & r t i k a, under the star R e v a- t i, about break of day, saw the sixteen dreams, and also that of the elephant, entering in at her mouth, which she mentioned to her consort, who was in Avadijny&ni, and getting the interpreta¬ tions of them from him, she was happy, and Saudhermendra performing the happy cere¬ mony of descending from heaven on earth, A c h - yutendra became impregnated in the womb of the Queen. At that time on the last paUa of ten sdgaras of the term of Yimala Kirttakar, when virtue had faded one-third, he was bom on the 12th of the dark half of the month J y e s h t a, under the star Revati, in the Pushpa Yuga, and sawDhermendra performing tbe happy worship of being bom in the world, and as tbe new-bom infant was bom with Ananta D n y & n a, or illimitable wisdom, he called him AnantaTirthankar, and returned to his resi¬ dence : his life was to continue for three millions of years, his stature 10U cubits, and his colour golden : his childhood comprised a period of seven hundred and fifty thousand years: his reign continued for fifteen hundred thousand, after w'hich on a certain day seeing a meteor fall, and considering that this life would be dissolved in the same xnSpner, be be-
- So Colebrooke,—Hexnachandra has Sugriva, — Abhidhana Chint&mcuni, 37 (ed. Boehtlingk and Rieu), p.