135 May, 1873.] the arts and sciences. Thus he taught drama¬ tic poetry toBharata,grammar to Brahmi, and arithmetic toSundari. It may be noticed that Rishabha and his father and son occur in the PurAnic lists, where N a b h i is the son of A g n i d r a king of Jambudvipa son of P r i y a- vrata, king of Antarveda. The kings of various other nations also derived their descent from him.* The MAhatmya says VimalavA- h a n a was the first of the ancestral fathers. His son was C h a k s h u s h m a ii a, father of Abhichandra, whose son Prasenajita was the father of M a r u d e v a, also called Nabhi; and at the end of the third spoke of tho Avasar- pim age, the Lord of tho World, through his om¬ nipotence, took birth in the womb of Nubhi’s wife Marudevi, under the name of Rishabha, or Vri?habhasena. It is Rishabha’s image erected by BAhubali that imparts its peculiar sanctity to Satrunjaya.f 2. Ajitanatha was son of JitaAAtruby V i j a y a ; of the same race and complexion as the first; he was also a native of AyodhyA, and has an elephant (gaja) for his cognizance, and AjitabalA as his Sasana devi. His stature was 450 poles, and he lived 7,200,000 great years. His nirvana took place on on S a m e t 6 i k h a r or Mount Parsvanathain West¬ ern Bengal, in the fourth age, when fifty lakhs of krdrs of oceans of years { had elapsed out of the tenth kror of Mrs. 3. Sambhava was son of Jitariby S e - n A : of the same race and complexion as Risha¬ bha ; his cognizance a horse (aha) ; his SAsa- na—D u r i t A r i; his height 400 poles : he lived 6,000,000 years ; he was born at S A w a n t a, and attained moksha on PArsvanatha hill, thirty Idkhs of krors of sdgaras after Ajita. 4. ABHiNANDANA,the son of Sambara by • Prinsep, Uscf. Tab., p. 232 n., p. 233; also Wilson, Vishnu Purfoia, pp. 162, 163, and note on p. 164. t Weber, iiber das Qatrunjaya Mah&tmyam, pp. 26, 27. X u In the second chapter, [of Hemachandra’a Vocabu¬ lary,] which relates to the heavens and the gods, &c., the author, speaking of time, observes that it is distinguished into Avasarpint and UtsarphW, .aiding that tho whole period is completed by twenty kotis of kotis of sdgaras, or 2,000,000,000,000,000 oceans of years. I do not find that he anywhere explains the space of time denominated sdgara or ocean. But I understand it to be an extravagant estimate of time, which would elapse before a vast cavity filled with chopped hairs could be emptied, at the rate of one piece of hair in a century: tho timo requisite to empty such a cavity, measured by a yfijana every way, is a palya; and that ropeatod ten kotis of kotis [or 1,000,000,000,000,000] of times is a sagara.”—Colebroohe, Essays (1837), Vol. II. p. 216; Asiat. Researches, Vol. IX. pp. 313, 314. SiddbArtbA, is also of yellow complexion : he has an ape ( plavaga ) for his characteristic symbol; and • K A 1 i k A is the goddess who serves him. His stature was 300 poles, and his age 5,000,000 years; he was born at Ayo¬ dhyA, and his nirvana took place on S a m e t Sikhar, ten lakhs of krdrs of sugar as of years after the preceding. 5. Sumati, sonj of Me glia and Man¬ ga 1 A , also of yellow complexion, has a curlew (krauiicha) for his cognizance and M a h A k A1 i for his Devi. He was born at AyodhyA, lived 4.000. 000 years, and his mokslia occurred also at Samet Sikhar, nine lakhs of krdrs of sdgaras after the fourth Jina. 6. Padmaprabha was son of Sridharaby S u s l m A ; born at Kausambhi, of the same race as the preceding, but of red complexion. His mark is the lotos (ahja), and his Devi is S y A m A . His height was 200 poles, and his age 3,000,000 years. His death took place also on Samet Sikhar 90,000 krdrs of sdgaras after the fifth Jina. 7. Su pars va was the son of Pratishtha byPrithvi, born at Benares, of the same line as the preceding and of golden colour; his cognizance is the figure called Swastika^ in Sanskrit, and Satya in GujarAti. His Devi was 6 A n t A , and he lived 2.000. 000 years, his nirvdna on Samet Sikhar being dated 9,000 krdrs of sdgaras after the preceding. 8. Chandraprabha was son of M a h A s e n a by LakshmanA, and was bom at Chandri- pur; of tho race of IkshwAku, but of fair or white complexion: his sign is the moon (stm), and his devi, Bhrikuti: his height was 150 poles; and he lived 1,000,000 years : and his entrance § Conf. Stevenson, Kalpa Sdtra, p. i.; Moor, Hindu Pan- theon. pp. 337, 338; Hodgson’s Illustrations, p. 48, No. 82. ^[ Tbe sectaries of the mystic cross or Swastika, or ‘ doc¬ tors of reason,’ were the followers of the Pon religion, which prevailed in Tibet till the general introduction of Bud¬ dhism in the ninth century. Their doctrine, named Bon ghu tsios, has still professors in Khamyul or Lower Tibet. Their founder was Chenrabs. Some believe the doctrine to have been introduced from China, and consider it identical with the discipline of Lao-tse. Its followers aro called Tao sse in Chinese, and in the timo of Fa Hian appear to have existed also in India. The Tao szn named Ai is in Sanskrit Tapasvi, and is stated to have visited the infant Buddha and drawn his horoscope. Conf. Remusat FoS Kuo6 Ki, pp. 208, 230, 231; Laidlay, Pilgrimage of Fa Hian, pp. 200, 218; Asiat. Res. vol. ii. p. 383; Csoma de Kdros, Dictionary of the Tibetan Language, pp. 30, 94; Sykes, Jour. Roy. Asiat. Soc. pp. 310, 334; or Notes on the State of Ancient India, pp. 64 and 88.