THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [May, 1873. his guru, Ramanujyacharya, proceeded to Belli¬ gola and earnestly requested the Jaina priest Shubhachandracharya to try and find a remedy. The priest replied, * Why are you come unto me ? Are there not men of other religions ? Go unto them.’ Then the people of other reli¬ gions and the king said, ‘ We have tried but are unable to effect a remedy.’ They promised if he would do this thing for them, then would they give all their Birudu (insignia) to him, restore the province of 12,000 (pagodas), and continue the Dharma (worship) undisturbedly. They also said they would cause * Sila ^asanas’ to be erected to this effect. Upon this the priest consented and caused certain kinds of worship and penances to be performed. He then sent for 108 white pumpkins, filled them with man- trams or sacred words, and threw one every day into the gap, which gradually filled up until only half a pumpkin remained. Then the people of other religions gave over their insignia to the priest and got Sila Sasanas made, giving the priest the title of ‘ Charukirtipanditacharya.’ The particulars of these circumstances are to be found in the Adagfirft temple. The land still bears the mark. Traditions of the place handed down from father to son corroborate the above. Sa sanas were then erected, one at Belligola and one at Melukota, to the effect that both the Ra- manujya and Jaina sects should henceforward act friendly with each other, that in case of worship, Ac. at Belligola being interrupted, the Yaishnavas should maintain it by a subscription of one fanam per house, and vice versa. Inams of 12,000 pagodas in land were given, and Charu¬ kirtipanditacharya was entrusted with the ma¬ nagement of the affairs of the temple. “ After some time when the people of Dehli in¬ vaded Southern India and took possession of it, Maisur also fell into their hands, and the Dhar¬ ma or Inams were discontinued in the year Dhatil, 1259 of the era. This province then be¬ came subject to the kingdom of Anegundi. Its king, Bukkuraya, set out to inspect his newly ac¬ quired province, and on arriving at Belligola saw the statue and granted an inam of 3,000 pagodas for tHe worship, Ac. His son Sanga- ma Raya and grandson Harihara R&ya followed his example and appointed Charukirtipanclita- charya to the management of the affairs. Twelve of the descendants of Harihara Raya, viz : Prat4pa Ramad&va Raya, his son Pratapa Deva Raya, his son Mallikayima Raya, and others who ruled the country as tributary to Dehli, also continued, as their ancestor Harihara Raya, giving an inam of 3,000 pagodas. After these, Krishna Raya, a natural son of one of the above kings, and his son Sriranga Raya and others, eleven descendants, who ruled at Siirangapatam up to the year Saumya, 1531 of the 6aka era, contributed an inam of 1,000 pagodas. “Inthe year Sadharana or 1532,Raja Vadiyar, sovereign of Maisur, took possession of £riranga- patam. He ruled for eight years, during which he contributed an inam of 1,000 pagodas as Sri- ranga Raya. His son and successor was Narasa- raja. His son Chamaraja Vadiyar ascended the throne in the year of the Kaliyug 1540 and ruled for twelve years. In Sukla, or 1550, Chamaraja Vadiyar succeeded and ruled the country for eight years. Then Imadiraja Vadiyar came to the throne, and governed the country for only two years. In Pramadi or 15G2, Kanthirava Narasaraja Vadiyar succeeded and ruled for twelve years. All these five sovereigns continued for 51 years to allow the temple an inam land of 1,000 pagodas. In the year Sarvari, 1582, Doda Devaraja Vadiyar succeeded to the Maisur throne, aud during his adminis¬ tration of fourteen years, having heard of the excellence of Gomatesvara, .he paid a visit to Belligola on the 10th of the moon’s increase in the Pushya month of the year Paridhavi, 1595, gave away large sums of money, granted tbe village of Madane to the math of Charukirti- pandit&charya, besides continuing the in&m land of 1,000 pagodas granted by his predecessors. In the year Ananda 1597, Chikkadevaraja Va¬ diyar succeeded. He subdued the countries of K6rala, Ac. and ruled with vigour for thirty- one years. He also visited Belligola, had the ceremony * Mastakabhishika’ performed, con¬ structed a pond called Kalyani, with a pyramid¬ al tower and a prakara or wall round it, and repaired several ‘ Chaityalayas’ or Jaina tem¬ ples, besides continuing the inams of 1,000 pa¬ godas and the village of Madane to the math. In Parthiva, 1627, Kanthirava Raja, son of Chikka Deva Raja, ruled the country for eight years, during which time both the village of Madane and the 1,000 pagodas inam land were still con¬ tinued to the math, whose affairs were presided over by the priest Charukirtipandit&charya. Dod- dakrishna Raja Vadiyar ascended the throne in