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Dec. 6, 1872.]



with the increase of learning and modesty, of in domitable bravery in war, reckoned the first of

the learned, was Kong a ni Mah a dh ir àja. To Wandanandi Bhatāra, the disciple of Gu manandi Bhatāra, who was the disciple of Janá nandi Bhatāra, who was the disciple of Silabha dra Bhatāra, who was the disciple of Abhananda Bhatāra, who was the disciple of Gunachandra Bhatāra, of the Kondakunda race,” the line of gurus to the Datta named Avinita;f in the year 388, f the month Māgha, Monday, the nakshatra being Sväti, § the fifth day of the bright fort night. (The village) named B a da n e g up p e, situated in the middle of the seven of Edenāq in the........... ...thousand of Pūnâd, having been

obtained by Avanita Mahādhirāja Bhadatta, minister of the sovereign of all the continents, conqueror of the city of Tal a v an a," for war

on the Jains.” (He) plundering and taking pos session of the six associated villages, obtaining by friendship (or flattery) Uyambaliff and the town

lands of the city of Talavana, procuring the enjoy ment of royal rights in Pirikere—presented the charming (village).ft.The boundaries of the village of Bad an eguppe :—east, a red stone, Gajasele, the s'akti post at the junction of the three paths of the Karivalli rest-house and Badaneguppe : south east, a bank covered with the bandhuka : §§ again to the south, a thicket of milk-hedge, | a balkani tree: again to the west, a line of many medical plants," then the pond at the junction of the three paths of the Badameguppe rest house and Chandigåla: again south west, a clearing-nut tree" : again to the west, a [peduldel] tree, a [sãntareti] banyan tree, thence the bed of the stream : again to the north, a line of many medical plants, and a bank covered with the rose-applet : again north west, the temple tamarind tree, the group of neggiluf at the junction of the three paths of the Badane

medical plants, then a [kalapaltegāla] banyan tree: again north east, the bank at the junction of the three paths of Badaneguppe and Dāsanāru

[polmada], the [kodigatti] tamarind tree, and so the mound of [kentarambaj which joins the eastern boundary. Witnesses thereto;—Perbba Kavana, the man who is a friend in all things to the line of

the Gangă răjãs.| Maru Gereya Sendrika, Ganjenäd Nirggunta" Maniya, Gureya, ser wants” of Nandula Simbáladapa.

Country witnessestf:—Tagadilruff Kulugora, Ganigantiru Tagada, ÁlgodateS$ Nandaka, Um matáruſ || Bellura Alageya Badameguppe Bellura Deggiviya. (Signature (?) of three letters.) Whoso by violence takes away land presented by himself or by another shall be born a worm in ordure for sixty thousand years. The earth has been enjoyed by Sāgara and other kings. According to their (gifts of) land so was their reward. Poison is no poison, the property of the gods that is the real poison. For poison kills a single man, but a gift to the gods (if usurped) destroys sons and descendants. Merit is a common bridge for kings. This from age to age deserves your support, O kings of the earth.

Thus does

Rámabhadra beseech


kings who come after him.—Written by W is v a Karm m a. III.-REMARKS ON THE MERKARA COPPER-PLATE GRANT. BY PROF.



guppe [multagij Koleyanāru and Dāsanāru,S

THE genealogy of the kings of Cher a as given in the grant is :— 1. Kongani I. L2. Mādhava I. L3. Hari Varmma. 14. Vishnu Gopa. Lö. Mādhava II.

[niduvelanga]: thence the hill which protects the north of the village of Gajasele and the descent to the large stone ; again east, a line of many

These names agree with the 8th to 12th and 15th given by Prof. Dowson from the Tamil

  • Kondakundanvaya.

† Desiga ganam=des'ika ganam.

Ashta asiti uttarasya trayo satasyasamvatsarasya. Arcturus.

jśī. (akhila) varshaprithuvi (prithivi) vallabhamantri.

  • T a lava na–Tal akā du Sanskritized, Kādu (Kan.)

= cana : Talkåd is on the Kāvéri, about 35 miles S. E. of Seringapatam.

    • Jindřla.

+t Or Ambali; Uyamballi is a village a few miles south of

Bºgº ; Ambali is to the west of the same, fit i. e. Badaneguppe. §§ Pentapetes phaenicea.

| Euphorbia tirucalli,

l6. Kongaui II.

  • I Bahu mūlika.


Strychnos potatorum. † Jambu. Small caltrops.

Dāsanaru, a village to the north of Badaneguppe. Gangá ràja kula sakalasthayika purusha. .

Nir g g unta, perhaps nir gant a, the village ser

  1. . water to the irrigated fields.

. º ++ Desa sakshi. .* if Tagaduru, a village N. W. of Badaneguppe. §§ Al go da, a village near Badaneguppe. || Ummaturu, a village N. of Badaneguppe.

vant who

    • Bhrityayām.


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