[Dec. 6, 1872.
varsha prithuvi vallabha mantri Talavana nagara Śrivijaya jinălakke Pūnādu Q5 sahaára Edenadu saptari madhye B a da n e g up p e nāma Avinita mahādhirāja bhadattena padiye ārodañ tiru [III.] kolpannikkondugañgeyadu ambalimannañ Talavanapuradol tala vittiyaman vogari geleyolpa nnikkonqugań Pirikereyolañrājamānań anumodana pannikkonqugañ manoharań dattañ Badaneguppe grâmasya simántarań púrbbasyáñdisi keijige moradić Gajaseleye Karivalliya kottagara Ba daneguppeya trisandhiya satti koralu ägneyadinante bandukā gami tatakań puna dakshinasyāń disi bahu $nu hiye balkani vrikshame puna paschima mukhade sanda bahumälika pantiye puna Ba daneguppeya kottagara multagiya trisandhiya kole Chandigăle puna nairatyadesandu kathaka vriksha me puna paschimasyañ disi pelduldelvrikshame santeretiya vata vrikshame puna tore vallame ut tarà mukha
de sanda bahumülika pantiye jambú padiya tatakame puna väyavyade galechiſcha
- º
a Clarle
guppeya multagiya Koleyanāra Dāsanāra trisandhiya neggila gumbe niduveluńge puna Gajasele ya grāma uttara disi kāyga moraqić || iledu kei bareye puna púrbba mukhade sanda bahumülika pa [IV.] ntiye puna kalapaltigăla vata vrikshame puna isänade Badameguppeya Dāsanāra polmada trisandhiya
tatakame kodigaddi chińcha vrikshame keñtarambina dimeià pārbbade küdittu simántarañ | tasya såkshima
Gańga rājakula sakalāsthāyika purusha Perbbakkavāna Marugareya sendrika Gañjenäda nirggunta mainlyu
Gureya Nandúlasińbālādapa bhrityāyāńdesa sakshi Tagadārakulugovaru Ganiganāratagadaru Algo dete nandakaruń U mmatüra belluraruń. Álageyaruń Badameguppeya Belluraru deggiviyaruń. svadatta paradattāńgväyo haretha Vasundharañ shashtii varsha-sahasrānivishtāyāſījāyatekrimi va
subhi wasudhā bhu ktă răjabhis Sakarājabhiyasya yasya yada bhūmi tasya tasya tadā palań || deva Svantu wishai ghoraú na Visham visham uchyate wishamekākinań hontidevaswaputra-pautrikañ| sāmā noyaſi dha
rmma hetuñ nripånåſå käle kåle pālaniyo bhavadbhi sarbbānetáñ bhāgina påttivendra bhūyo bhūyo yächate Rāmabhadra || Visva-Karmma Likhitań. Translation.
MAY it be well. Success through the ador able Padmanábha" resembling (in colour) the cloudless sky. A sun illumining the clear firma ment of the Jähnavi racet distinguished for the strength and valour attested by the great pillar of stone divided with a single stroke of his sword, adorned with the ornament of the wound
received in cutting down the hosts of his enemies, was Kong a ni Mah adh irájā, of the Kan v a y an a s a g o tra. His son, inherit ing all the qualities of his father, possessing a character for learning and modesty, having ob tained the honours of the kingdom only through his excellent government of his subjects, a touchstone for (testing) gold, the learned, and poets, skilled both in expounding and prac tising political science, the donor of lands to the Dattaka line,t was Mādhav a Mahādhirājā.
- Wishnu.
t Jähnavi Kula: The same as Gangā Kula or Wansa.
His son, possessed of all the qualities inherited from his father and grandfather, having enter ed into war with many elephants (so that) his fame had
the waters of the four
oceans, was Hari Warmma M. a had h ir à jå. His son, devoted to the worship of Brähmans, gurus and gods, having humbled himself at the feet of Nārāyana, § was V is h n u Go p a Ma had hirājā. His son, with a head puri fied by the pollen from the lotuses—the feet of Triyambaka, having by personal strength and valour obtained his kingdom, daily eager to extricate merit from the thick mire of the Kali
Yuga, in which it had perished, was Mā dh a v a Mahā dhir àjá. His son, the beloved sister's son of Krish n a V arm m a Mahā dhirāja, who was the sun to the firmament of the auspi cious Kadamba race, having a mind illuminated † May also be rendered ‘the author of a treatise on the law of adoption.’ § Vishnu. | Siva.