Oct. 4, 1872.]
to obtain the sight of Bharga who is the de stroyer of Cupid and the wish-fulfilling husband of Parvati, and I placed money for the house hold expenses in the hands of a neighbour, a Vāniā called Hiranyagupta. After I was gone my faithful Upakośā, though left alone in the beauty of her fresh youth, being versed in the Vedas, performed the vow which is becoming for
Having heard this (story of the origin of Pātaliputra) and having received all sciences from my teacher, I, (Vararuchi) who dwelt at my ease, obtained in marriage the daughter of Guru Upavar sha, called Up a kośā. After I married Upakos'd, whose eyes resembled blue lotuses, I became the empire over which Cupid rules and a vessel of all happiness. Whilst I, living in the company of Vyādi and Indradatta acquired the fame of omniscience, a pupil of Varsha, Pānini by name, who was formerly a
the domestic priest, and the minister saw that
blockhead, obtained by virtue of his austerities,
beauty with the swan like gait, who bathed daily
keeping his senses in subjection, a new grammar from Siva. Disputing with me for eight days, he proved himself an opponent of equal force. When I conquered him at the end of that period, Hara, bewildering me by a growl, bereft me, through anger, of the recollection of Indra's grammar. After I had suddenly forgotten that work, I resolved to perform austerities in order
and played with the thick spray which had the ap pearance of a thin and transparent garment, whose
sahasā vismrite tasmimstapase kritanis'chayah | drashtum smaraharam bhargam varadam pårvatipatim || 6 || hiranyaguptanāmnotha vanijah pratives'manah | haste grihavyayadhanam vinikshipya gati mayi || 7 || upakos'ā virahimi navayauvanas'ālini | s'rutajnā proshitāyogyam vratam chakre pativrată || 8 || yāti kāle kadāchittàm hārinim hamsagáminim | tanusvachchhāmbarasmerasphäraphenavilăsinim ||9|| vistirnas'ronipulinăm s'yāmām netranavotpalām | satatasnäyinim gangām vrajantim yamunāmiva || 10 | yuvâ lakshmimadonmattah kshmāpaterdandavāsikah | purohitas'cha mantri cha dadris’uhsmaramanjarim || 11 || tām vikshya manmatháves'âtsthiteshvatha prithakpri thak | teshu mantrisutah prāha prathamam bhaja mámiti |12 || snănătpratinivrittà sá vikshya samdhyāmupasthirām | bhitâ samabhyadhádastu tritiyehni nis'figame || 13 || samāgamastvayi mayå vanchayitveti tam jagau | tasmät pratinivrittātha purohitamuvâcha så || 14 ||
wives whose husbands are absent.
Time passed
on and once the young foujdar of the king"
broad hips resembled sandbanks, who was dark blue in colour, whose eyes had the appearance of newly opened lotuses and who was a bud of Cupid, going like Yamunā to the Ganges.f Gaz ing at her all three fell in love with her and stood
apart from each other.
First amongst them
sopikramena tenaiva pis'achasadris'ah kritah | hiranyagupte sampräpte rātris'eshe banigvare || 27 || dārubhaade tathaivāsau nihito dandavāsikah athopakos'a banijam sápavishtas varāsane || 28 || koshthakābhimukhi prāha nikshepodiyatāmiti | hiranyaguptastāmāha bhaja mäm châruhăsini || 29 | tava bharträ vinikshiptam vidyate subhru me dhanam | så s'rutvetyavadattāram sºrinvantu grihadevatāh || 30 || bhūtāni sãkshinah santu vidyatesmindhanam mama | ityuktvå snänakūtena kritvá tamapi kaijalaih || 31 || dushprekshyamabravitkshinákshapå gachchhetisatvaram | banikprātarianabhayāt prayayau samvritánanah || 32 || lutyamānāmbaro márge kritakelähalojanaih iti rakshitacharitrå gate tasmin manasvini || 33 ||
prătarmandasya nripateh sarvāsthānasabhām yayau | upavarshasya day.ità bhārya vararucheh sati || 34 || prâptetyávedità tatra manità bhābhujāvadat nihnutam banijã rājan mama bhartridhanam bahu || 35 || nyāsam hiranyaguptena pramānam adhuna mripah |
dvitiyayāmeyāminyàstritiyehni vas'fismi te | uktveti tasmaduttirnã dandavāsikamabhyadhāt | 15 || tritiyehni tritiyāms'esſarvaryām vasſagāsmite | iti samvidamādāya muktā tenávis'adgriham || 16 || kirnotpalá iva dis'o vidháya chakitekshanaih prastutăpahnavopāyā nijabhartridhanārthini || 17 | hiranyaguptopi grihe tâmayåchata samgamam | tritiyehni nis'asſeshe tavādhināsmi kā kshatih || 18|| ityuktvātam parjane kathâm etàm nyavedayat | tatah prápte tritiyehni tasyå mantrivaro griham || 19 |
tatastasmin samāhūte prâpte vitathavadini || 36|| upakos'āvadaddeva såkshinah santime grihe
vinashtapradipam sákampo vives'a vivas'o nisi—
haste hiranyaguptasya såkshinotra trayo wayam |
upakos'ā tamavadannämnă te (?) tvayi me ratih || 20 || iti tasyå girå snåtum vives'ândhagrihodaram | tatrodvartanamādāya masrinam tailakajjalam || 21 || lilipus'chetikástasya chiram gåtrân i kaminah | athányasminnis'ayāme thrnam präpti purohite | 22 ||
ityākarnyadbhutam sarve vismitāste sabhāsadah || 41 ||
manjūsharapam samdars'ya vitatam darukoshthakam |
s' rutvå nijagrihodantam prahrishto gurumabhyagám | upakos'akhyāyikā ||
pravis'a pravis'a kshipramasau yåto grihādhipah || 23 || ityuktvå koshthake jeshtam (?) upkos'anyaves'ayat dattvá lohárgalam tasmin purohitamuvâcha så ||24| näsnätorhasi mãm sprashtum iti sopitathâkritah | tasmimstailamashilipte tritiyopi samāyayau ||25 || satyam smaravidagdhena markhah ko navidambitah |
purohitepi vinyasti tatraiva bhagavihvale || 26 ||
aniyantám mama grihāddevatāh koshthakasthitãh ||37 || tà vakshyanti yathâtattvam ityuktvávivarāma så nripājñayå samānite manjūshākoshthake naraih || 38 || vinyaste cha sabhámadhye punarāha pativrată | bho bho satatapújärhāh satyam me bråta devatāh || 39 ||
kshipram dahāmi
manjūshām sákshye chenmaunamä
sthitam —
s'rutveti bhitäste práhuh satyam astyeva tedhanam || 40 ||
dadris’ustansamudghātya mashiliptándigambarān |
tato viditavrittāntastānnigrihya mahipatih || 42 || dhanena dharmabhaginim upakos'amapūjayat I atrāntare varāchchhambhoh smritavyākaranopyaham || 43 ||
- Dandāvāsika is elsewhere explained to mean ‘door
keeper,' but Kshemendra always has it where Somadeva gives dandadhipati. + It seems to me impossible to express in English the uns contained in each of the epithets given to Upakos'a.
They are chosen in such a manner that with a different interpretation they apply to Yamunā also.