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various demons sent against him by Kańs.


the description of the Nāg Putanã, who turned herself into a beautiful female, we see what sort

[Oct. 4, 1872.

pose the right leg half way up the thigh, the end is then brought round over the head. In the present instance, however, it must have been

of dress and adornment was considered chic in

worn only over the shoulders as we have the

Dinkrishna's time; for this reason it is worth

head decorated with flowers. The wearing of


the sarhi over the shoulders only is customary

Kalā kutila kuntale khosá khosi, Kamaniya phula málá achhi misi; Kapālare sindåra mandala chità, Katákshare mohu achhi úrdhvaretä; Karne tátaka, bhramari, phula Šohe; Kanthe kantha-ābharana mana mohe ; Kari tāmbūla-bolare oshtha ranga, Karu achhi purushanku dhairja bhanga; Kanthi nása-ābharana násal ute, Kajwala paripúrita netra-tate ; Karne sari jāe jãi achhe lănji, Kāmi dekhile hoibe kâme ganji; Kare tara, churi, kariáli răje ; Kwana-kwana påhura padare báje ; Kantha-tate deuil riā-mâle bandhi

Kalā-megha Śārhi eka achhi pindhi. Her black wavy hair knotting in a knot A garland of lovely flowers she has mingled in it; On her brow a round mark of vermilion ; *

With her glance she is ravishing Siva ;

among the non-Aryan hill-tribes to this day, and may possibly have been the custom among the Aryan population also in former times. It is so worn also by the Telingas. As the con nection of the Oriyas, until recent times, was greater with their neighbours to the south than

it was with those on the north, we may suppose that the habit of wearing the sarhi on the head is of late introduction from Bengal.

The fifth canto relates the childish sports of Krishna, and is itself very childish and tedious. Krishna seems to have spent his time princi pally in stealing and devouring curds, cream, and butter, of which articles his diet appears to have chiefly consisted. He also makes jokes with the Gopis, and indulges in double entendres of a very ungodlike character. The sixth canto con tinues the same subject ad nauseam. One or two passages a little more sensible than the rest may be quoted. Here is a de scription of Krishna's roguishness :

In her ear the tátaka, f bhramarit and flowers

Kandhāī hasäe biná kārane ;

shine ;

Ki pari châûhe se mayana kone, On her neck the necklace fascinates the mind ; Dyeing her lip with betelnut juice ; She is breaking down the composure of men ; In her nostril the Kanthiş and nose-jewel ; The lampblack completely surrounds her eye, The streak of it extends as far as her ear, Amorous men seeing it would go mad with love; On her hand shines the tára," bracelet, and arm

Kila kinchita bhābaku barhāi, Kahui, kahuñ motăilaku paï.

Kālita ambha àgare jāta, Kahuí šikhilā e ete charita ?

Ke bole dine mu kahili dhire,

Kåhińki gola kara gopapüre 2 Kipáñ mo puraku bije na kara 2 Kete khá'íba dadhi, dudha, Śara.

let ;

Kesaba Šuni boile hasi


“Twang twang” sounds the anklet on her foot; On the pit of her neck she has bound a deunria"; A dark-blue sarhi she has put on. It will be seen that then, as now, the wearing of gewgaws and ornaments was highly popular. In spite of all the profusion of jewellery, however, the lady's dress consists of nothing but a särhi. The sarhi is a broad and long cloth wound

tightly round the waist in such a way as to ex

  • The vermilion on



Kete pāni to dudhe achhi misi; (Gopi loquitur). Having made me cry he makes me laugh for nothing.

How he looks out of the corner of his eye He increases one's playful disposition,

From time to time meeting answering glances. Only yesterday he was born in our presence, Whence has he learnt such conduct 2

denotes a married


woman, but is now generally smeared in a great patch across the parting of the hair.

  1. Tſäf worn

suspended to the cartilage between the

nostrils, the other kind is worn on the side of the nose.

+ HTX3 is a small earring worn in the outer edge of the ear; sometimes eight or ten of them are worn one below

| This is considered a great beauty.

another all round the ear.

  • These are various kinds of rings and bracelets.
  • $3ſº small ornament shaped like a flower and

f HHúr a large earring hanging from the lobe of the ear, so called from its resemblance to a bee (HHC).

usually enamelled in various colours.

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