AUGUST 2, 1872.]
52. ava-G an a-gana, mass; R. gal, kal to be thick, strong, excessive.
53, ava-Gan la–gantu, knot, joint; also k a n, k a nu mean the same ; R. gal, kal, No. 52 ganda, hero, best-ganda, manly. 54. ava-Gunth a na, hiding, veiling; sweep ing.
63. A h, al, to pervade, fill=R. aq, see No. 4.
64. (A hallika, prattler 2–perhaps from hall, tooth ; toothless 2)
together, contain, (kuluke, receptacle, shell; kudike=gundaka, small oil-vessel); 2, to take
65. a k h et a, hunting=If of a root khit, this would probably be R. kil, to destroy. 66. a njika, a certain Dānava–terrifier 2 R. anj, to fear. 67. at a, a certain serpent=player; R. aq, to play; cf. 72.
in, protect, cover (kule, kole, umbrella); 3, to
68. a ti, fidi, a certain fish and bird=player.
take covering (gudu, nest); 4, to be covered
69. it i kara, bull=play-maker. 70. a 'lam bara-àJum-vare, drum.
a, gun ºl, gunth, gud, to cover, protect, sweep
| R. kuq gud, 1, to join, gather, assemble, keep
(guttu, secret); 5, to take in, to drink; 6, to cause to join or meet, to give; 7, to join together
is composed of R. i.), to play, and pare, drum;
make a heap, to sweep.
pareya, a Pariah, a man of the drum.
b, gunq=R. kutt, pound. 55. ava-Ghatta, a pit; and ava-Gh attana,
rubbing off. Both perhaps from the R. ke!, to fall; or R. kal, to cut off, cut into, hew down; cf. kade, end. We may introduce here the fol lowing roots of the Sanskrit dictionary : a, ghat, to work=R. katt, to build, perform ; to join together. b, ghat, to be possible=R. katt in an intran sitive sense, in which it also is found ; or R. kiq to be obtained.
c, ghat, to be joined-R. katt, as under b (or R. kitt, to approach).
d, ghatt, to stir, churn=R.kal, to stir, churn. e, ghatt, to slip over=R. kal, to pass over, CrOSS.
56. ava-Pida, pressure=pile ; R. pinſ, to
press; to milk; pińle, pinte (pin la), mass, lump ; pinqu, that which is milked, herd, flock. 57. a-Vic hi, without waves=vichi, wave ;
perhaps from R. vis, bis, to wave, swing about. 58. a-Vela, denial=probably R. pel, speak;
71. a lamb a ra, eye-lash-àdum, playing, and pare, feather. (pare, web)
72. ii lu (as a suffix)=playing with, tending after ; also in the form āţa ; cf. vächâţa, talka tive.
73. a 'lú, fitu, float, raft. The two forms may have arisen from negligent pronunciation.
As roots may be given ål, to dive; all, to play (on the water); ān, to join ; to recline on (participle àt). 74. a 'l hya, rich–alhya; R. al., to be strong, rule, possess. 75. a di, beginning=ádi. This may be a formation of āda, participle of āg, to become ; for a Dravidian, when adducing a number of things in succession, always uses àda together with modal, beginning, or munte, first, at their end. For instance : houses, trees, gardens, modal ada (at first-being) things. In the same manner adi is used. Why should it not be a conventional abridgment for modal ada? 76. ii-Bila m-bila, opening; R. bir, to split,
open. a-péſ, in the sense of saying “no.” 59. a-v-elá, chewed betel. Betel is betta, 77, a m, yes=ām, which is a contraction of creeper, and ele, leaf-leaf of the creeper, a-v- āgum, it will happen ; R. ag, to happen. ele, betel that is no longer fit for use." 78. a r, to praise=R. ar, to cry aloud, call. 60. A s (though partly vedic), es, yas, 79. a ra-kā t a, brass=a joining or combina
begin. 62. as t hi-Tum da, bone, bill=tuºla, bill ;
tion of metals; kūta, union; R. kul, kill to join. 80. a ru, crab-êqu, crab. 81. ala, great=āla, possessing, great; No. 74. 82. ala, possessing (as suffix, for instance, in antarāla, malayāla, mountain-possessing, as wavāla)=āla, possessing. 83. ali, impure or deceitful disposition=
R. tuq, to beat; cf. tuli, drum.
âLi, deceit; perhaps R. a L, to be deep (hidden).
to throw ; to shine.
61. A s, to take=R. is, to take. This is
perhaps the causative of R. i., to give=to cause to be given to one's self, to take; but cf. the secondary R. esag, to take into one's hands, to
- After this ought to have come : as 'va-balaya, stallion
and mare. Badawā, mare, is probably connected with ma qadi, woman 5 R. maq, to lie down, sink, be submissive
The vaqaba in vaqabāgni is=maluvu, depth; R. mad, to sink, be deep.