August 2, 1872.]
Letters a, à.
But native grammarians often try to convince us
intumescence, hair (=growth), water, blood (=flowing). Anga, portion, depending part : angana, angana—place or yard of a house. These find their explanation in the following
of the contrary. Thus, for instance, they say
Dravidian roots :-
THERE is not the slightest doubt that a great number of true Dravidian words have been intro
duced into the Sanskrit language and dictionaries.
that the Dravidian Kò li, fowl, is derived from the Sanskrit kukku ta. The Dravidian root
for kóli," however, is k fi, the loud cry of a bird, of which the root k fig or k k is formed, the base for Kógil, Kökil (kokila), the crier, cuckoo: kó li means crier, crower.
How na
tural it was for the Indian Aryas to appropriate, among many others, the following Dravidian words:
à du (eda), sheep, goat, Root, ad, to play. Eru me, emme (heramba), buffalo. M in (mina), fish, star-R. min, to glitter. Bēr, ver, (vera), root, R. vir, to expand, go into parts. Ball i, v all i (valli), creeper, R. b a l, v a 1, to be cnrved, bent; to surround.t
Mugu l
(mukura, mukula), bud, R. mug, to be shut up. (, r (iira), village, R. ( r, to settle. H at ti (hatta), hamlet,_R. had, to settle down. Kuti, g u q i, hut ; either R. kud, to take in, gather
in ; or, though improbable, R. kud, to bend (a bending, a building made of bent canes or
Ko d a (kuta), a very common earthen
ak, ok, ag (āg), og.
(1) to go in, enter (aga, inside, house, place, side, mind, soul, body);f to be in, be hidden, (agadu, inside, belly; ogatu, riddle ; agara,
village); to enter into, to dig (cf. agul, to dig, dive; aga, agate, ogate, depth); to enter, to fill, prevail, overflow, flow ; to make go in, to fix into (anke, mark, cipher; certainty, trust; command; aga, agadu, self-will, pride, sin). (2) to beat (angata, a goad); to chew ; to tremble for joy, fear, or grief.
(3) to be born (age, shoot, young plant, gene rally explained by “ankura”; aga, anga, agal, grain, corn; conf. angăţi, angali, corn-selling, provision shop). A derivative root is a gal (agal) to be wide
become separated; to make loose (angala, angal, separated, widely apart; agala, breadth, breast). The following so-called Sanskrit words are numbered, and after a sign of equation the cor responding Dravidian terms introduced :
1. ag ni–V in d u-b in du, drop ; R. bil,
vessel,-R. kud, to take in, receive ; cf. No. 54.
to fall.
Ko di e (kuthara), axe-R. kad, to cut,
2. Anch, ank, ang, to go ; to bend=R. ach, to move, walk; to bend; anchal, anche, usually explained by “pathabheda,” running post anchu—border, shore. The connection of ach
R. kut, to beat. Pette, pet tige (peta, petaka), basket, box,−R. pid, to hold, con tain. K at lu (khatvā), bedstead, R. kat, to join together, bind. Man i, precious stone,— R. man, earth (manal, sand). Muttu (muktā)
pearl, originally: foremost, best,-R. mun, to be before.
In giving the following list of Dravidian words that occur in Sanskrit dictionaries under
with ag, to enter, seems to be shown by achchu, receptacle, mould.
3. A t, a th, a n th=R. at, ant, and, to run after; resort to; cf. R. aq, to move, play; adi,foot. 4. At a viº=a d a vi, a wood ; R. ad, to be. close, thickset, obstructed, plentiful, etc.; conf.
the letters a and ā, completeness is beyond our reach, and the rules which underlie certain for
adavu, thickset, as corn or trees.
mations have not been adduced, though due
R. aq, to strike, rap.
regard has been paid to them.
We begin with a
combination of some so-called Sanskrit words:—
Aka, aga, sin. Anka, anga, place, side, body. Anka, heart, mark, cipher, sin. Ankura, shoot,
- In Dravidian languages the vowels e and o, unlike
5. A t t to transgress; kill–R. att, to drive; 6. At t a, excess=R. ad, to be plentiful; cf attadavi, an impervious jungle. 7. Atta, upper-loft=atta, ; R. ad, to put one thing upon the other. Sanskrit dictionaries, belongs to R. bel; vel; bil to appear ;
bei, to grow ;
Sanskrit, are also short; we have therefore : e, e : o, ö.
the signification “to increase" to R. bal,
The italic l represents a letter resembling in sound the
signification “to move,” to R. bal, to be current; etc. t Cf. náranga, orange=R. nár, to emit scent, and anga,
Vedic cº.
- The signification “to appear” given under this root in