[JUNE 7, 1872.
Sakamuri family, at Tangerala and Gummampad, the former an Agraharam, and the latter a Mokhasa village. In the Nandigama Taluq there is an old Reddi fort or durgain on the north bank of the Krishna, a little to the east of Mugetala at Gudemetla, known as Turangaraidu. There are the ruins of mud forts built by the Vasereddi Zamindar at Nandi
to the Nedadavol Zamindari, which was transferred
gama, Rāghavapuram, Irellapad and Magallu ; one
belonging to the ex-Divi Zamindar, and one at Mailaveram belonging to that Zamindar.
built by Chava Narasaya at Konakanche, and one built by Cherumamella Venkataramanaiya Veladi. There is another old fort at Itur, and one at Panu
gancheprol, built about a century ago by the Muhammadan Governor or Tanisha.
The walls of
both have fallen down. Jagiapett is a town of considerable trade and importance in the Nandigama
to Godavari District at the amalgamation of the late Guntur and Masulipatam Districts.
In the Nizampatam Sarkar of Ripalli Taluq, there are also forts at Vullipolam, Kadavakuduru, Gana. paveram, Yalatepolam and Amudalapilli.
There are also forts at Vallur and Gudur belong. ing to the Vallur Zamindar. One at Avanigadda There are also ruins of ancient forts in the Palnad
Taluq at Katavaram, Machavaram, Tangeda, Pidu guralla, Tandutla, Gamalapad, Kamepalli, Petta Mansursha, Ubbapalli, near Dachapalli, Gottepalli, Pulbriddegudam, Nāgarjunakonda or Durg, Karun pudi, Kambhampad, Gali, Pendugal, Pillutla.
Taluq on the borders of the Haidarabad territory.
In Guntur Taluq at Naukar.
A band of Rohillas once came here and burnt down
In Narsaraupett Taluq at Chilakallurpad and
the place. The people then built a square tower in the centre of the town for protection provided with narrow loopholes for musketry, but they never added the staircase to ascend to the top, and the tower
Kunkalagunta. In Repali Taluq at Repali, Nedumurru and Rachur.
by the Vasereddi Zamindar of old time, a consider
In Winukonda Taluq at Gunadampad, Komala pad, and Chintalacheruvu, besides a number of smaller ones, or bastions in the Palnad Taluq at Mandenapadu, Janapadu on a pagoda, Pedda Gar
able portion of which remains.
lapadu, Konanki, in the centre of the village,
would practically be of very little use as a means of defence. The town was surrounded by a high wall At each gate was
built a temple. There are also forts in this taluq
Pinali on a pagoda, Oblinipalli, Kalakota, Madu
at Konakanchi, Dabákupali, Malkapuram, Muka
kuru, Pattavedu, Gunlapad, Gottepalli, Veldurru, Royaveram, Pasevamula, Nangalavaram, Oppicherla,
and Shir Muhammadpet.
Also at Lingagiri, Shri Narasimhapuram, Ganuga banda Sarvavaram, Kalavapalli, Lakhaveram, and Amaraveram. These villages belong to the Lingagiri Zamindar. In Munagala, Nalamaru, Madhaveram, Rapali, Karivarada, Sripuram, Nadegudamala, Komarabanda, Ankupamula, Barayakudagudam and Brindavanapuram, villages belonging to the
, Munagala Zamindar there are also forts. In Visan napett Division there are also forts in the villages of Tiruvur, Kalagara, Gampalagudem, Venegada, and Vishnupett. In the last-mentioned village the fort is not walled, but surrounded by a hedge of bramble ; it is called Kumpakota.
In the Bejwada Taluq there are two old ruined forts at Valavadam and Vellatur. At Bejwada, too,
there was a fort; there are no signs of it at present, and in the Gudiwada Taluq at Kanukolanu, Vama
varapupad, Kaldindi, Venkatapuram, Chigurukota and Koleru ; but none of them are worth preservation. In the Devarakota Zamindari of Bandar Taluq there are the ruins of a fort at Lakshmipuram, built about
200 years ago. There are also forts in this taluq at Yendapalli, Nungegada, Nagayalanka, and Mare polam.
In the villages of Najid Zainindari there are forts at Katur, Medur Kasbah, Nana Kasbah, Suravaram, Telaprolu, Gollapilli Kasbah, Najid, Musunur, Vijiaroy Kashah, Rayanepolam, and Mutanavidu. There are also forts in some villages
of Chatroy, Pentapad, Bahurjali, Gundugol, Ambarpett, and Elor Haveli Parganas, belonging
Adigopula, Miriyala, Pedda Kadavagunta, Sunne galla, Jattepalepu, Pulepad, Rentala, Rentachin tala, Mandugalla, Pullagunta, Charlagudepad, Gottennzukuala, Dieta. VIII. The Mahals or palaces of Zamindars con structed within the last century.—The best specimens of these are the palace of the ex-Zemindar of Nar saraupet, and the palace of the Devarakota Zamindar of Sallapalli. There are each large piles of buildings in the Muhammadan style of architec
ture, four or five stories high, There is a very large hall on the ground floor and a gallery round it on the second floor, with five ranges of rooms above. The buildings are of brick plastered, with high Muhammadan arches. There are ornamental devices in plaster, and the woodwork is carved and painted in bright colours. There are extensive court-yards with reservoirs and fountains and gardens and shrubberies. IX. European remains.—Tradition exists of the sea coast of this district having formerly been several miles inland of the present shore, and this is supported by a mark of an old beach along the eastern road to Masulipatam from China Gan jam. The black soil here gives place to a belt of
sand from 5 to 10 miles in breadth, covering with the drift the elevated ridges generally found above
high water mark, and then sloping gradually to the present coast. The general tradition is supported by a Dunde kaveli, describing the sea as having formerly extended nearly to the present town of