< Page:The Indian Antiquary, Vol. 4-1875.djvu
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Mjtacu, 187k]

row • i mis.-u.l;. II Hres^ wrr shot ^HinNKu It wilt bo obstfrmod that the linen uudor d aion mnnt occur, if uuyv. ' the flirt and tho hut of the in Tint they do no* occur then-, nor indeed in tlia whole id* the section of t Ik ; ; of fch« ftory of tho Dyuiuu T&ntka. It will bo ob* toe, that tholait lino of: I oxprcMc* identically the same idea a* thai couuunud }iao from Jtuaulra IL 35. I • to otLi -r parte of tlii i obfcptaTi iff ilnd that win" hhava, there are several expressing ahnilar i other words. Thai compare tho fulhiwlngi — Furttna. II fit* r=n^ sift $ 5 5* TO* * n Kmtndra 8m

  1. i&Hittm**wri ^11

And the«o othan, w! i kv in an exactly ..irnllnr way iu . " 4 ina«ayjitn thofcfira Funi ii *j^Tit iprsff "*rf*T ippr.f*r *x ~ And In dm replies r |j Ip^TWffff n*r$TpJ *fai" 7 T r *T|| Now is the /' * ■J'* And thort Indfoi answer* : — ■ Example or tin* cUacriptti but theto arc iw. ■ lamanul.t- tr. compare another copy ol 4 ■ n old MS., tarinf u J * nrfoofciJj I ar. but whhh. I think, i* I b^Jf SiubVMi 17t6« kod if skli, U eorwcti would raakn it i' The mull la thai when, to tiro paper alluded *" ab du» a* q .1,, l»wn. • at lea*l i|antionaWr that lino dow really toouv '» tJl «-' fc Purdvo I may idd ■ m T"^" outer,' tl, "&* than thai m io tUo uthmr lines eitad ai the begin- ning or thii paper. Kiatnim Trjmu* Teuuhk THE ttl BR. TothtSi 'fyunr#." , . i part I I * • mden International Commas of Oriuntnluti of Profcsaor Iinii r ^ery ouo of the ten Turanian language*, — from land in the rr inrhnrb, the northern portion 'uipiiv. in Jin: I ring- uu gn r i* knowu a* ti mil ill, hat in . m thn word for tbi* ftn.c • tUlUg, vu udopiod from tha ^Anelcrit and dorircd fivin ' ndtntiu,' n tuxmt, with tho yr,,.:irv, 'a' -.1 able explanation bu &■- ■,-iL-_-,',i.-'il u 1,. rh- r .:ii-, mi fir anoU ft term being apjilied to the nng-tlngor. [bllowiug —one or tboae v Torsea which, like lliat wbk'h ontt* be " ninfl gomi" of litcrac urc who flourished at thu court oi Iktft* mjlditya, Ufa Ltjowti tr> all but cannot, be trat an nutbentic aou irruut tuaolig the Pft^- ofilthi pta Tr- uttki Bug inalo^B * kiinith- Lbu Qngcr next b/f is I ho veren In ones liou in id way* quoted a* purporting to luriiivb tiro re*|airodirtpla» nation :e be I utld liar and preferred * it In tUim «nw fK^iut out tlui'.

. m Q ( ilu i If ohowB tlujt Uiia i» not

be ennmerntor oftbo pwita did not give tiro name of ' «, after Kilidaaa wbosw aaino foil to tb» linger ai beiug tl i tiro grciv wn* no poet vthotte rwimr wai worthy to lie i I and to be allotted | Bnger; but, in i "I" hia ao biting onoble to allot thfl a poet to lb' ivPii to that ftngor, thfireupou ereonro rt term |jom> The vcr winjE tbut long Bgo i-urio*iiy r, ry ai l<» the exjilanation of tins «- ■ Witlionl anamo." To n 1f d of counting on tho finger* must bo borne i: Tbu Luuiib are hold np witb the palm* toward* uaiullr if not nlwaya band tir*i, it bent dosrn> ihoQ UlC nasi 15 ngor, an > 1 ' rob, ami t ben wit h the right hand 1 1 ^ way :—

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