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THE INTJIAX ANTIOI AltY. [lii.Hi.il, 189% But in two days he died. Than they mih- thomeelve* of worshipping biro. But Other* ob- jected that unless ho rose from the dead ho could not bo held to be a god to bu worshipped. So Lli'-v irailod and -were, fluly rewarded. For, they tell me, from ft hole bard by came forth a fine n'>3'» exactly like tho deceased, and when it was mid he must have a ennsort, two ndyana followed him oat in succession. Than they began to collect build the present shriuc, which is aittl iinflniahed, not having a root over it Tt reaetablce a wide eqa« ehimnoy, and oon- , besides a live cobru wnkji]'<l En A bloo I'luth, a red-dunned stano said to resemble the howl of n cohru, which appears to be the actual object of worship, and a small pun lor Gro Tlu- nhrinn 1a being encircled by four stone wulls which arc at prcsoul only breast-htgh* On its confinl west corner was lying an earthen representation of the hood. coloured red, and mttofa to mm like ml than the stone niur shrine* This ixigh new, appears to ha at virtue, to judge from the uuuibu r « ) I bring are hung on a horizontal rod above it, being — like a large, heap of oocoannts in one corner— tho votivo offerings of |nmoua who, have been cured of aomo net neo&starfJj snake-bite, on vowing to visit tna shrine, and tvuig out- of tbcw brings round the place affected in token th'- 0, K. 6. CiuwTonn. Camp. KJiat, 31rt fumtnrg 1976. eXUDASA AND £h HABSHA. In my article on Kfilidftia, Sri Harsh a, and Cliraijil ( W, dftt vol. TU. p, 81), I rehired to a vcrsu quoted by Sri H a rah a from K a 1 1 - ilAsA., and inferred from, it- lilt i i . i , , 1 1 1 ,1 1 -Ljieakl priority of tho latter to the former. With reenrd to this, Mr. B. Xuraynua Iynugar, writing from ngA, hoi heen kind enough lo dr.i w my uiten- ttt u private letter, to the circumstance mentioned by Pandit livnr Chandra VidyjlcJ ■ign tuuf IriUivata.Tr, (hut thn following lines, which on KVtnidm & A lira of KAlidasa, also occur in the £iiva ftmftaa - — infrft mw^vt^mimZm SkmA a, u.zl fttTT/irfrft tfttk Wi frgiRflttW^ || Rumtim, i Mr, NarAyona lynngir ttntes I mo* occur in the 14th chapter of the L'ttar. ,"5tra Pi*rd*u, • Kit in Mr. [*-*!>" n ltfrV luttw. Qat w.jii« r Ujo t PaiKUt Vldyfiiigax KMtot fnaje tliu to Bjafauln that I have net Men Pandit VMyasagar's Itiwurmc. agftli But Jfr. XArayana lyangar has kindly sent mo a tramdullou of thu Rinili t's re- mark* on iheso eoiucideneflR- Ho apr*ar» to hold that the &int Furdna probably borrowe^l these t ( nfi not j-r'r- vanA Ht> liaw» tljis o[iiiiin!ii ;inin-ifitilly on tho style of the I as compared with other ports of tha Pvnlnu. He ttdda ulbu : " I O Wl I t».ni i.li.'i-.ihlO pOttfOO of what are ktiawn by tha name of Pimhini are not old EpmfaMno^ Uideas, thervfere, implioitoon- fldeueo can be placed on the PunUnir, h is difficult I : ave Hn.r the Sftni Fitr4|Ui is older thnn V* kdityttVt time." And he proceeds to ; ont further tlutt stanza fSH <■/'. thu fourth canto of the In the Yoyavdriih- frtfl. JS'ow in the d^ctisjrioii of tlio qoestton coinculunees give n^e, it would lie o1" tol« portanne to know 1 which thu Hues qoeUxl OCOur in thu Siva Pnrdna. Especially is it wj with regard to the lait two lines -, for in each of Ihmn wn liave only ' ' nura, a ltd what tho other is in the a/en I'urdua tlot'-s net. nppenr. liut having obtained a copy of this dim Pmdna, I am in a position to point to another in of moment in the inquiry. Not one of the Ijmqb attfjc/ punted to to be found in fchla ropy,— whiih belongs to thu library of tho BntuTniy Brunch of the Royal Ajt&kMo Society. Unluckily, 1 have us yet failed to procure another copy, lli.i tlit ubionco of ihc lines even in this one ia enough to coat luspjeion on Uurirgonumenma. I r w i ] 1 . 1 .._■ ohsonred, rum the attracts to be given presently, tfmt this copy cctntajiia lines corrcKponding -to Kumn of those fjuolod above, and to the «mnv effect. And this uffordH some jpnttatcc that | linmf iii . i not been omitted in this copy by inadvertence or tha J ike. The hurt; lino of thn Pth chapter of the Sua PwHata, whJch, if any, »ught to contain the linea above I at ont , *ay» % ft IT? ^ (fam if BHpir m<n ftfrTP nnfl i yr opens thus t— 11% & *? *m wn ¥5n4 5rr^ apw r n H swt^^r »p!tp^ =r=ft*Jrrr mtfrtrj i n II ^ii'HwiHiii^p st^rpt RrTwrs || II ^T^ ?pf flHff: f* ^:?t «Hn% || fl ^ ?fe7TPni ^ #r«t iT^rjJ || || ?^-T4 »J7*t -pjpjj qxtr^-; ( | I! ^~i «T'pTT: »ff n-=R ^44^ || I tm SearbUnl in il« time of Tianirnftuitya. I ft d»t I* tteirtwoea that ia Um foUewiiw llm«

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