liiMJt 1875]
COBTCESTONDESCE AND 1£ISCELLAXF.A. praised While T refer to Tl h n j n , it may lie (med that wo have received from a Bx&k- raan a Karutta of B h o j a which in dated in thu SSaka year 0tU (i.L'. 1042}, as aliio that the .Tee- salmir Rh^ndar contains a fragment of a ro- mance by the great Pram a r a prince, entitled Sfiny&ram o#*/< r ri&J f kanaka. As the Vikram&hiNt&harita appeared to bo w> very important, L resolved to copy it myself j, and thu undcrtukiug, as well us u full revision of it, was finished in seven days, ilirough thu friend- ly assistance uf Dr. Jacob), toy cam paid on • Tin- MS. is excellent, corrected throughout, and annotated. It bears no date, bnt according' to a subscription it was purchased in Sam vat 1343 thrnngh Khetmnll and JctJisiugh. Tin- Gmttlacatlhiuidra is a Prakrit poem uf eoaahlertiblu extent it celebrates a king Y a * a . v arm an. The MS. contains also a com* nwTitary and a Sanskrit Chhdyi. The work is not divided into sargas, but into faffaJras* The GhakrapttfdktfvyQ, which ct!> I an, ia not of groat length, and probably dales from the I lth eentnry. The Khiindiir further contains four neVrt&u, viz. thu Pruhvdknchandffxlwja, the JjWrdrtfA- thittn, the P#*t*«MiA^m,ari(l the Anar^kardijhitva, tho loal of which i» famished with n onmmon*ary. Thu prose wnrks are represented by S a h a n - d h n ' n i E& TLe Alank&ra is represented hy very im- portant ift»rks. Of works that are already known there is Da a din's KA in a copy dated S&i I (i.d. 110"). The» b also the Kartfiiprakak* of M a m m a t a , with a commentary by Soniesvarn which T Ijeliova i« new. Besides there ut the Urfhhat&lnkk&rti, t he AUmk&ruiAtir* of V « m a n a u L a r y a and on a portion of iLl JluJriifdhkhSra, ua alio an AfunMraJtirpunu (134 ilakas) in Prakrit. Thu drs t thtvo authors are cited byMnmmata. A 31 6. of tho T7dbfaif4takbira in dated Sanivat 11*50 (a.k 1104}, On o&dflejt Ms. of the , t io n . P« : ->h , t here in, Usulc* B u tu a - chuudra'it Chhawltimtsdtmta, J ay a d o va "a long-sought work with a /fcfctf by Harriufa. Thu nyu </ci -work* are numerous and mostly new. A tflniplflia copy of the Juniihf/f is interesting. Snnkhya philosophy in represent > Auirvddhabh&<h<f'2, the Sofffotf, and the fid fraiowMcH. Among thu paper MSS. is a very beautiful collection of the Jaina S u t r a a from thu loth century. It contains little that is new, at least tu ma. Tho chief value of the Library lies in the palmyra MSS., the neatness and thu antiquity of which make it moat desirable that all thu known works should bo accurately collated through i'aritiJi*. All tfee« MS8 M frith the exception of thu Raglmta'Mi to the 12th and 13ili centuries, TTroni Bikanirf T havu brought with tuu an almost complete S'ifjfnihtrd of Bharata, the taiZfet, the complete oommentarj i»u tho Saiapaiha lir&hmana, tile PtSHU if too WMtifa> together with a kindred Pancha- patalika and about a dozen uthtir iiovelliua. 1 have besides made a very cuiuriderabk' purchase of Jaina MSS. Dlmtuir has given very The buiuittful pahnyTn MSS. which Cur ham mentiona Were absolntely untraceable. I 'it chess 1 have found a new work, tho maW- tolldxi or tin DuUukyn prince Sotnadova, which deicnbest •" the pleasures of Indian BOB, and chess among them. OOBBBSPONPBWOl At ihia plaea, a largo nUaflO in tho partnf Ivnthiawkt under Dhoiidliuka, is it ihanuk »f V. h a r m a 1 i a , a local name for the ydya. It wa» nut hare tttMlfl encanipwl at thi* rtllagu ht.' 1 am told tho history of it is as fcM A woman in thu DaifibbOOrmg rilUpe of Alia mortally wnunded a eobra, and then* for fear of f.f». to, go. t Ail'tal darirr; MOW h«ter. AlUalna. 2>Ki Marvh. i> M3SCKKLAXKA. the nh&nrihalK&tfcls (who are tlm wunhip- pcruiu partini preferring thfl S »wi on a cot to EJJ • •• whore hu was f«> ' I people in a dying Stale. H hopes viving Mm they carried hini the ahrine now iv, mid siito shield him from tku«un, thu eVnwly *b*e» the ftafnfut ^Ujn Ota* .,-3 , Um easjto-ua olw»u«a»tttif