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81 of the Indian writings, it certainly signifies the place reached by going," "resort." " refn IlofflH In thn Hinnind passage lijuft : f/ati—&iJ;fii-lvfaz-prabhriti jtritj!i<iith£~ l/i-,,1,' -a |:.:-:i i'a to Iw attained in i the kuovcu orindra." It L* further to be observed thai whilst .1 designate* himself aa 'UUc Wnjj I . and CvrLdina, in one of the runes referred to, calls hinwidf «mly (fee * njwqniiled nlfdo or resort ;" and in the other " the re&urt, tho soft, tainer, tha lord, thft witness, the abode, the ud, the source, tho dj»5< a tar, the receptacle, thu uudteaving Heed ;" so that, in any caw*, the rosembtonno would be bat partial ome of the ideas in thn UhagntaA arofindgn to thvATe*? IWaweai. Most rentes cited from that poem by D e . Lo- ■ob parallel to todfe in Urn Ribli: appear to mocft IM reeemhlnnce r to be such an might naturally have occurred to the Indian writer, and to oiler therefore only on accidental Mmibritr. Dr. LorinstT considers (soothe note in hd. Ant. ra. H. p. 286, and in ]• rruan original) that two Sanskrit words d- ml and reverential religious deration {irutttlha and Q, which often occur in tfafl Itinujamui (Hid, do not oonrey original Indian conor: hut arc borrowed from Christianity. This may or may not bo trno of hhiL-ti; hat (together with iia cognate*, participial and verbal) in found eren in ti. i of tho ■ sense of belief in this exig- ence and action or a Deity, at least, if not also of deration to hia service. In pp. 108 iJ" nf the fifth volume of xoy •'* a r of passages arc cited and translated in wfi'< ird occurs, togetln variety of ' itis, in which thu wor- shipper's* triiHt in and aflbclionato regard for the god Indra are indicated. He i* called a irii-nd and brother j hia friendship and guidance aro said to bo awed j he is *pokcn at a* a thi ■<c moat fath.- tean, and aa being both a father and a mother ; he i^ She helper of the poor, and hue a love for mortals, lu ot li it texts adduced hi the same volume Emm those ancient cotnprmitiena, there may he fa and (inter- ininglcd no doubt with many ideas of a dif- ferent and macb less elevated ekiroctor) the most lofty conceptions of tho power, oinui- «c»noo,eJid rightixrasnera of the same god, or of 1 1 ii 1 1 'i .lit ice, — oimooptions which, I apprehend ( arts quite sufficient to show that, howovr 9 question regarding tho introduction of Christian doctrines and sentiment*, into Indian writers in later times may be determined, the people Of Hindustan were not deficient in high and de- vout religious sentiment from the earliest ages." Da. BtjHLER OK THE CELEBRATED TsHANBAR OF SANSKRIT MSS. AT JESSALHUt. BY 8MASKAB PiKptlRAMO I^SI'IT, Jl A . r DjaTBTI cull} i!AT. Prof. Weber presented a abort letter from Prof. 0. Buhtftr, dated BUcnrnr, 14th Pobrni on tho Bubjeci of ilni culltwtion o l thu Temple- Library in Jces^Innr-t In J e s r a I m i r, whkh MM fonndrd ahont tho middle uf 1 1 . I » centary, after the « 1 -mtrne- tinn of Lodorr a r the old capital of the 1 1 ti Rajput*, there is a large colony of Jains. According to tTadiri ■■ refill hen of thiaO people came from b odorT* along with thu Riijputs, and from thence bronght with them to Jess* t mir a nmat holy imago of l'araa- n & t b (Fit tka ft4ffo)> *'or Uiia imago ft tflmpk was built in the I T ttUU ^ r * "^ ?° n *

  • Fun i.f tkii artulo w » mmat trtaa !**«•»

tan j.rifn.fl tip lin. »utlur'« IWi nunL/tMltf tntMMLiUd from in.fo* llnlffi {paotpa. liDcatt! ofJinuDhudrnHur i, to whic^h weru gradually added six other t- Heated 1o dJAhrrmt IXrthahLarit. Tliruui:h li wealth of the Jain cauimunitT, which has apread its trade and hanking hn«ine» orer tho whoto of RajputiUui, Malm, and Central India, J a * a I m i r has obtained a high fame as one or the, principal scam of tho Jain faith R-ipemally, however, is the renown of the BhAn- 9 Lifcrary eTorywhcro celebrated, which* according to tho statomenta of thu Gujarat is, anrpasaea all similar BliirulAff in the world, It wa» therefore ana of the ehitf olMCda of my journey to obtain admittance to this Bhundlr, f Bee Dr. Bilhlct'* U-ttm at Uw Sfr My** la07*»^' " L "I- P- * ^ Mi « i, 1W *» ■~» tt * h | ,.

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