[Hiiwrir, 187$* flinoi it in baaed upon ft largo number of pftrti- paasagw. Aooonlint? tr. thn JHd.LTfiit'tn m|' the author of this ootid* however, the proof ww it..! yet fcwm adduced that in tho Bha I pfaofl of Chmtuiuity banal into the form" F i it noncoptitma. "To refer tout least, noma general points of view, Dr. LorinftOr"" feflixw to make use of ,ci eommculurie-i lia* haiL llrai. of all. I"r nit, that In- woU not always nppmheiid thu craghta in an Indian ipJri mlty. Dr. Lorinter h.w paid no attention totlurpropoi! Yoga literature, and in particular to Pa tun - |nli * u &jj i their cnninientarie* : for :vu inquiry ahould «rwt luivc been in.'-titnted into thit relufnm in which the philosiophlVal «U contained in the Hhatfwad Oil» ylaitd to this pri ad pftl wort "I t^« t" n g n philosophy . Cun- aidering its poetical clu fcho Fojravumb ia«(/«H« might aW present many important point* of comparison. The inUDOduVtci nun nfLhfl liiblci into the explanation of Hie Ofagajud <>iUt i&, therefore,, at least preir-riruru. ii.-s, the particular Itiblical passages tlicm- selvcs are with too great nnnlUence dnHtgnatod by Dr. Lurin.-ici' ftj tho fcourceo of tiw I g -lit or expression* Jt eaunoi I < • l« ■• . • t that bo bo • «n f iiullj.' adduced some attrprblug jiurultel pjusngBv j but the moat of the texts wliiob he has ciled can at the Vi roost olaim onr i deration only after it lias been proved in another way that thu / >A and the Bible Stand in nnmr roMiet) Ea DIlOu other. 00 author should '■' MSij upuu the m*.drUud» nf the passages which i . ■• i. it ah 1 hat a hundred unr references prove no mnre than a singtu one of the name character,* lion I that fihfl ronipari^m oflhe httfl ith a team nf bursal (adduced by him in p. 80, $9) foatn tlit- A - ;i„! PpnaUhtut, oomaj with mmrirkahlofiXMtncMi to the beautiful in I'lato'n l'hmlra* t Thin might ba asome nf tlii> mnsl intf ' ujib.T pandanoo. Pot 'in- ■ much tube <|ii>- whoiliorFrofaBaarWeliofi to w i author repeatedly appeals, ►n vie tion . Fo r Profe- i- '* asaatnp- tjuti that Christian fccachnr* ami doottimM ar> wucliiflioo tw» ■tftitiglj.— Ed, {mt* i)iM wfcJ at an early period in India, and that in particular tlio worihip of Krishna and the Legends i-elafiw tO dso$ WOW forrawl nnrl«r tlio oooofCori ii-ront from Dr. l/jriu ( ■ oi I ; I " , H i I I ' .- which the eonipooer of the l$hu*juv#il Uittl must have learnt at leant the A r n< ' directly rt. Tlii« ik riift conclusion at which evwy uuc would U33fe who beUovio ■. Itio lists b in tin- Ijipeudixt of— i. pnssog«o which vary in expre^iuon but agree iu aeiiMj ((k> in nnndwr) ; ii- paRsagea in which a cbur- i' fanifiit ocennt iu u didbtrM . • sense mill orjueonioa oorrespand (IU) thei<len4 Of the ChutvU FuLln-rj are ;.uppo*ed DftTObeen unknown to fettfl post (*ee, ^. 7. ■ p. 1/9, note 0; p. 207, note 27, tic. X So much thu morn surprising in it, thismforu, when Dr. LorilUlOV himself {p'JIl. note fi4) findn it neoeMiii 1 1.-' in wltii'h Chri • r * « J if it* Iitdtun m Ktund to enrh otlifir in regnr the doctrine of tlut hi nt when be fartlinr (p. 117, note 1 §) cannot i anerihing to the poet an uequatutaucu, though d "fcetlve acfjuuiutonoe, with Chi It Li imposwiblo to 1 Dr. fjorin- ■era ideas into ono gonem 1 ua regardfl the thou ij Dr. Lorhaaer -iv. - of H.' 'prinunrnl revelation' or -prirnii Hon" (»»,*. 9. pp. 13 231, 350), be ihoiild limt bare in bar they oon 1m pointod oui in ilto Veda. Il«" l 1 ! would proki .1 H..uL lip. contrary i* the eaae, "Toa IhipIc lx?fi>re tut plainly ibuwa bow text and the explanation of thu Mi ■ ijavadOild Ktnn.l b ueod of a tlwrough Hon t.ii th. • yift nf jseholani who are fuimliur with thnt branch of study. The viv» of wliiah lh Loriniter bt a reprr- mnat bo anb' I to a closer oxomiimtiou than was befO practicali!' 1° f ' iiugaotien reference hi tuuda to plniouH of i-jpof. Weber on thu inflnanof oiereiseii by C j upon 1> dous idoaa: I am mdebtod to I'm! yriik whom I bnvii commuincated on tho ^ubjeel of f /n«L ML n. «. ju SJ7. S.Caaf* /iui- ,U» tol II. a S»l.