Minrtr, 1
THE BHAGAVAD CItA AND CHBTSTIAN WETTINGS, 77 locks of hair ou their unshaven heads. The 0! iiargod arrow* at each other; the Daityus, sefcing aran Wands, roared like, thnndur-duud* : uf sumu the spears wore broken ,* sume, though covered irilb. armour uin.l bearing shields, were struck with punic ami tried to liiJ«.« themselves. Some of die Daityus btigan to offer &tf! I > u r g a anil the other deities, of warlike iffSBpan^ uud to worship them. To conquer tiieir encodes, some Daityas Km to call onMrityu Devi with im-antiU" Then Muliiruj %*M Qirjarsti warriors, who wore skilful in the uhu uf wespcus, begi I iln v | befrexftCrtaOSS exceedingly. A riwr of the blood of warriors flowed | and many, nhondrming life in «o groat a fir/An, became dweller 6 vftrga. On the side of M n I a r a j u a Raja of ^ K ft 8 i (1 e I - RSjas from the north, of A r b u d a were in M n T ft r a j a ' » army, their warriors wern very valiant : therefore his array being drawn np in tho form of cfwhrnryuh t • and ij(Mfutlnrt/nt(a^ thu Ahu people fouirUr thu enemy on the banks of tho .T a m b n m all separate from these order* of but lie. Thu A h n , it a j a took a banner of victory : ho was looked HP to by the Raja of drim&lut : — ho or the Pramara race slew many warriors. *^Gr«litt- r i p u bad with him a hikh of Mhrhhas. Many uf his army were cot to piece* : they began to aasamo thu furnui uf all tho classes of lihftfau. M u I a r u j a *r K h n r i p n from his ele- phant and made him priiwuer. I ^reat rage wuixu L a k h h, aud hu rushed upon Mula- raja: at length ho offered to pay hiju u ransom of elephants and horses for the reioaBn of G r iV h ii r i I" ii ; Imi H n 1 a. r A j a s;i killer such m G r a h »r i p a watt not to bo re- leased. Malarajnand LrLkhntheu fought with arrows, till at last Mnlaraja strut* k !ii J with a spear and slew him. J Treading ■ jii I0t hi* tool The mother of Litkha, beholding the body of her son, his long lucmsiaehe stirred by tlie wind, heaped curses on his destroyer : — ' % tin* spider-poi- - race pr? At that time a i ,< women, taking It nihil rip u's them, wnnt to Mularaja and begun U» beg of him saying, " Onr hnsband has midu as this present," Then they were re* Uased, and from that day the people of Kftohh wear a scarf Eke a sarAi* for the fame of J1 n I ft- r A j ft, fttul the 3 o rath p tuple too retained ft netive mark. With great »1 1 1 a r ,'. j a went to the llrtha at P r a b h it i ft w i t h lint Ut nans. He wor* shipped the Uttga at Soman ii thu. utul then retnrnod homo with a 'tele* plianti* and his army.— (Ttt It* continued.) it f 1 C ON Da. LOHDTSER'S BHAGAVAB GJTA AND CHBISTUH WRITINGS, BT J, tttJTtt, D.C.L., LL n. bu», BMKnnu;u. In the Indian Antiquary, vol. XL pp. 283 (October I -7.i), is a paper OH the Traces of Christian Writings and Ideas in I he Hhagavad (litri, translated from tho appendix to Dr. Lorinser'fl Qcnnsn wn Um oftl*tvrotfc. As the question whether thfl iibas and do* ■< i are doi !«»▼• rrflacnred U/i tin; iBfow Of tbo Old 1 ment, is one of great interest and importance in reference to the soionae of religions, I givu below a trttiifttn latter pun of an article by t'rofcK-Jur Windisoh of Head* i Dr, Lurimwr's book r which appeaiod in the
- 8«a M. .4 1. r. ml. I. p. £70, not*,
t Bhilmtia-lua triuot^rj. £ L&kUfi u al**. «U t>i tarn b«a «Uia by &r<?< «* Otttflr cu-ririuiU MJ Itfl *4L* ■Isiti bjr ! I inrM«A« CfvJntUatt for lAth Ootobor 1870, followed by some rtjniftrks with which Professor Weber and Pr. Dohtlingk havefftvonred me on thu subject of the dopanfleoco or UidepetidenoB I tan writers on Christian or ether foreign sottrees for any of ftrir ideas. Professor W.u says :— " Ws li.u-e not aa foi ffpOkCQ of the ohjeot which the ImkhU befian us has properly iu This i> noUiiftg hw* than lo show that all the t are derived from Chriatittnity, or from rhe 'prim* wval rcTektiun.' It b imp HO to exa- mine minntely Dr. Larxnsor's process of proof, l/iok tta elcakM from LssbS's body UTlt-r Sw w*i »Uia l^r Siv«';0. awl jrmns fc' l^JJan nilli thnm «*i't *■' Iwl »t»!B hikhi, a»l rww* Aium iu iw*»ni W** ThcrW i .1 nstj .ill .- . -• .H s.v.i D.lUt bwcJj KM y m lltSt MaUtrvj»'» Ml | Etas u, ' b] 1 i r,r ; '