THE INDIAN ANTIQUAKY. [HLn-cir, 1876* 1 the Iflltt Dura. Ho rodo upon an elephant huge M n. mountain. Oa mounting tboTirsl object the llujct beheld was a jar filled with wtilor— t* grc-'i' niitioh on the ltiijuB lull hand kepi crying, "la n moment will I throw down the houftti or O r A ho r ■ 3 mi . ind yon ahull with cams overthrow bin Ofi Ve O10 v/proccssv" through titu lniuuVr, IUl pcopU cunt Bow afahit, itc in the way itofora the R;yn. M u lu r« j tl ' » deeeawd lut lit-r f HiVja, hnd two brother*, B i j n and D n 11 d u k i» T • b ii li dffi (tndrfod ; — thrir *onii «litl not nerve II n 1 a r A j a . j . V liorr. I Mo army of M is ! a r .'1 j u halted- I rodent I their callings a* in their slinjii in til Midi thus 1 In- .-, ny to the rivnr J a in b tun i 1 1*. s A servant of r li h u r i p u ' en* rue whop© MnU r ii j a was encamped on the Jamba- mitll river and said — "0 Raja, why have yon poma hither •' My noma in I>ra n » ea, G r Abu ri pn has sent mo to inquire/ 1 fffl had coine, however, of bJB own accord,) " Horn the Br&lmutn8 invited yon, mnkjng fake com. plaints that I bey oiuTer My Hiija does Imrin to no one without cause ; what 1 bey mv is false. What enemy have you in Lb is coun- try ? my R.ja is yutir friend., la it to hunt on thn Jamhnmal i rivnr or in tho ninuutaimt thai. <m Imvu coaie? When bbfl Vudnvaa came to thin country they uw«l liquor, no is no uiu iu Doing Uqoot in tbi* hind: is that why you have come? Or k it because il.ua Lakh i of J art rad via ( r ' J at wild.. J mid his wldiant annoy yon thai yon hare eonie hither to tako counsel willing priuc$? Or have you come merely out uf Erioadah ip to visit (I r ripu? Or b> it to nee Souianatha .M d u v a T or to perform pilgrimagi* A t £ a h k h o - dhiir in So ruth' It rir.y <if Lhcwu I; rooiton, wiiy b&vo you brought so latgoi Beside*, you btive uu quarrel with Gl'nkn- ripn, nor con thnro lire who quarrel w iil« himi ■ngac ni yonr oyta and yo« m ltd nu reply* I will go and mako ttik known to my It mici" " The B mm 11 lowered Iiiin — - "Ton an> bold that; ■paak tbna iu my Dfemrai ; k& you am fnr among- tbo Hquar-oMnkfmi of S ora t h , What ■ fod*| 7nv#.«fn i* t i'ltvuibly Siailiu, or jwrLajs. I'urasa. friombhip can I have v lb Art pa, who tumovij Brubmans and obstructs pilgrims '• He La worthy to bo destroy ed: be curries off other men's wives; be destroys Prabhasa Ti rib a anil plundcm tbo oonntry. He is rejoiced when bo * bie» aJttin with t.ha Awottl tbofla in the aot of per- Tonaiiij; BUCtiGoca, IS} bunting there, bo him dt iik-d tile grout pjftOO of pH G i r n r. famous througbont the wurld. With srueh a 'Mlechlut how caa I be friendly E Go lo G r a h » - ■^r i p u and tell him to meet ma on the border* oF So rath with lii 1 * Vtaj" G niliftpi p ti hearing prepared far hut 1 ! ijiirs iu alliance with him, and thwae lie had subdued, ako unulo ready arniiea -.a Ins command. With him were many M o « »'i - II B bf lid I. His frii-jjd L a k h a too, with III army. The nous of Grabaripu'fi wife Nil! and his other wires got randy. The war- riors wore iron armour. An ho set forth, 1 nvii portonta eneountarod G r A b a f i p u, and I'rctat, IHiuchai, &«.. that drink human Idootl, Tullowud bla army. Hifl wifo wrote in thi nun languagof to her muiji wlto dwelt at the " Tih;i«lar rtvar— famoua in So rath — to call Lboui to tiiu war. Grahuripu advanttert bin army lo thn Jn m b n m a 1 1 river. Tbr dhu llijo, whoso kingdom wnsou Uie ithoren' r 1 ho owan, hrougUt an army and with it ' occupied tho uouib. LikhA, the itaja v f Kue UU, sent for the jnxhU and iuuuirtd of thum i wa dnith in tbo <wwdiiflt, but he nut forth dirsiriug to dio in battle and attain to Svargm. f^khil Oriea ■ -Sliume to him whom yonthiul fanU no onu ha« witncwwHll The flay a of my life are counted; how ahall I know their flpatil- 1 ' When IViuUrJljii saw nemy airivud he prepared oia army. Tho Fifth Sargn. The IMjn of S Map rant I. vm with Mulariljn. twanged biu bow; the twclro kinds of suaale began io mmnd. Mu la raja and hiii younger brother t '! rwn t? * in a h a , liajtx dliar, with his friend Roratt- ju i I r u It aj a , prepared for t ho %bl W ith M u la r A j a wmv B h i 11 a r : thuro wore many . and* regarding G r A h a r i p u ' a army as weak, thity iifi- bo give 1> at oner. There wan a M trn 14 B ijaj m llnla.A' rAja'awe r , Wi .J by Mirwldti wearing J &JI 1 nf 8*Jl*IUn>vl li- Ammrt.tr of lii» baiUM i>f JoJhinirawl blttf.— Jlli ifd^i, » L L p. 00.