Mine*. 1375.]
THE DYATvSHARAYA each other, And bora play at gcdi ded** Now tbu mater iu bbo '• I hisfltol bocorura clear, anil the akv i» Freed from eluud'j; the flnwera of the lotus and bdpuria urv in full bloom, anil the poet* compare thtim in thuir si women'- li]v •. '!■•■■ ; rhti*ihaoda go abroad fur tbuir livelihood At this time, and they are nepvmted f; many wniffi are in great grief. Nowf people perform the itteJ» their deceased parent* anil auditor*. Kow the lieu crop ripen*, ond, by -way of cuinpliu) people send ft few far* of rico and ftVJ to the Rija'a Miuiirter. In I bo Svnl J&Vm when sun is iu the SiVrf/» ti<?*»Wim, if rain fall and drop* of it cuter the oyster's month, they be- come ptarla.J Vowa that pvoplo have SO pnrfortmng penance, commence in the rainy ■eaaon, and last from Ash id Snddh 11th to Kirtik Suddb Uth. Kirtik rkiddb lat is called Bali K;Vj» 1 n day, because on that i ayi gave king Dali ivi kingdom of P.lLnlu: tfa tore wl, 'da tliat dry happily will have a prosperous twelreiuonlli. and whoever apenila it unhappily will have an unhappy y«aT (so says thn IthJi-iJhtfa Pur&ftt) : therefore on that day | p irees thtmao! -tnd nrnamanta, eat good dinners, and go U> visit i friend*; and it ia the great day fur eating prfii,
- ^ so that even poor people tnnut ham p'tn on that
day: the vahu (daugl iter-in-law) touch) of the *ft>» (her mother-in -law)* and the *aVu blesSca the vuhu. Visbitn sloops on the sea of milk from AahAd Snrldh 1 1 Lit for four months, until Kirtik'SuJdh lUh. when he nrinefl. On AahAd Snddh luth (the J>tmrS), people go into fields to look for omen* : thi* ia called timlaivjhaii. lit Hitu the nam bar and other deer ■hod their horns, and bulLi arc in tufa I. AtBoohfttime* MalarAja set out on his expedition ; the drums and tba hatrrvmlmi : the iahkha sounded fur u i And the BrAbmntii organ to n '"■*<. W ' after wi h mate time, M ti I a r u j a na- euniud hi* arms In hope > the notfe of mnaiual iitHtrumenU made known his setting! forth oven to Indra. The RAjaa that
- nit -' ttM hector-*"*/ and ?t -' 0» WL'
t Bk&Awjod r»A «r JrdJJfc fuUk. I Bm Itaatadut, p. 07. | Thu rl*y h aiUd JMravl Hal la JhUVb'- da j of la kt a tk m. || CaioLui r Wiit followed Mnlaraja also cama, ready to go to So rath to day Ornharipu th(* Dnity*. Th» Oar (huusebold-pricat) canned the ■wortohiji i harxe, elephant, Ae. to be performed: the Raja !!' worshipped. Aatrologera akillud from their youth in fyotitl net np rttakca nine uugsw high in the auusbuie, and begau bo nnre tlie tim«* to de tannine the m uhttrtu . Then the msed the nf iiikholdnr toadraoee: a lino of
- atoodft- hfrtin*iealin-
Btrnmftnt* aonnded ; the R ija and hb ehit-tlftina made pnwnnta as reli^iona gifts to Drihniuna and to the Teoorflera nf fkuii ; Ft forty h*^ l tra veiled, the peo- ple of ^ Krarlng villages, the city women, loft off their b heir children Crying, to come ftnd sea the cavalcade fur aw Indru among Deruv, was M n 1 a r » j n among men in heanty, qnalitiea, and alivugil}. -'- crtsion wnnt on, great waa the throng in t hv inty; in the prcis many ft pearl ncekl&ca was broken, many a flower scattered, and the women nprinfcled &k*hwtt an tbu Riija till it auemed to (f the ground- The nnbroken dkthtft waa a good omen- Other wortipn brought flowera, frnil, and cocoanut?, Randal, eurdfl, dvrblut-gnM r om ed in vesiuli-. When the cavalcade eet fbrtli. there wna not a woman in ftli the city but was drevwd in near let, and glittering with ornamei. and bcr peraoit brt *ny bad omen Hhoutd appear I ■ • ua pro CHainn atarted from the palace I te, fa way w> sprinkled willi htitku (red- dflflfHl) water. Ak tlioy ad out, tbfl horaaa began front which favourable portent avary onoQuguTdd Bptwdyanooeas ingstartwl, I J or (.tapped forward and ntarked npon his prononncing the worda ■ Proa- pcril Sal A i/oj * mada of pearla were plaewl beriiJ ■ 0M Ihroin bftba Rfi U> him the -Jnj-prj* aan Wfl ehtimara* and filiu (t taj'/rapa) over bia bead. Riesling him, the astrofogentaaid, " Hay ynn ba vice nay yon bu rirtiiriom ' enemy gn of Tama!" Wtiun bu moanted. ti abcb to • T' brpkan/ hnta-r rampcw-l of whr.p]i? rk«ud ottur gmm. I ,1 .-r . lltU, •I fu«M"t -i*iuJ frrii»l" i:to»- .1, and U* rnuancM ■-,-<r m TirthaftVim
- - 'Jataaa,— IM» itlM. tut !