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THE fXDlAN ANTIQUARY. rMAitcu r 1875. there Li no other thmi you able to destroy liim : therefore snmmnn an uruiy, mid, as this fill cannot lit* destroyed by an army alone, week for some other reseurcv nl»o, and prepare munitions of war. It in fit to kill Q t I h a r i p n , who emot* new taxes from tamo people, plunders the property of others, slays others. Tin* U 'rja who can punish murderer* and does not, is n murderer bimaelf : be assured of this ami - A» Indro. elow Jamhufiar, as Vishnu hU' dhava Datb/ft, M Slfft slow Triptinlsiim, unvon must flay tLia G ra hurl pu that ajBtota fcju world." Thus spake Jehal. On boating this, 1.1- n B'ija a*keri Jambak, making a sign to Uiru v. iih the eye. whether or not it were proper to stay G r u h a r i p u and the rent- Ho answered thus: — "Thii Yamnnusthnli, whore Ora bar ipu I [ n$f is seven hot from the U j j u y n u i u tl r i * ' laouutaLo §1 J from tins ocean, and h« has built another fortf one k&> from tlio raoantftln ^ and four ( ? 2t) fcW from tbo oooou ;| and line O r a. k ar i p u C&oses not his eyes oven at nignM ao that ha may not he easily chequered. And yon think of Bending an army to cummer biin: that is as if one, weru to attempt cutting down a great tree with a grasa-uutter's sickle. Yonr army wold nol encamp within own a bund red ko* of Grakaripu's city, and when be «ur- round* your army, then you can not even render ftssistanre. If, therefore, you wish to conquer "i a r i p o , yon miut not only send an army, but JOn mnst go yocmlfi then will he lie conquered. Moreover, L a k h A , the lurd of ' K&ohhriesa, in bo great » friend of tira- li i, ri p '.i " I ihfit one won Id think they were brothers', nod other RjjJBfl too are his assnjUwitB, , Turk mid Mlcchhn, that cause fear to the world ; »i m I L Ti k h a too is a great Tiiju that can not be ovorcotn b} iOy. Kachhdesais thirty-two h<M> frvui Bora th dc<a, no that that son of f'h til a Maharaja, Lakh a, in not far ofl" from ( r a It a r i p n , and there are many oilier Itiiju* to i. I»0 mimical nam; he not confident, therefore, that thn leadrr of yonr army, going' alone, will setae tad h..m. " Riija.lhe energy Mint has tl»o uid of moun- tains, or of Mew lis (forest), or of the onem ■ fa tWnpi ' ■ N m -i Ciinrfr. tThflUt*ii«'MJ'nuV not lie oTercome ; and thin G r a h a r i p ti baa tbo command of thn monntniuB t forest, and the ocean — all three ; fhornfore it w difficult, aud there i» none On the earth or in tin? *ky hmida If vhd can subdue bint U Muster, the jaoaieuL fOU begin U> advance bgnfnst Gril - It a r i p ti and the other warriorx of the A b b I r race, tltat moment their wives, hearing it, will ii lament, because yonr exploit* are aa fktnoim m Arjmia'"ji," r § When he heard then wurdi. great wba il.- thirst in the mind of il a 1 ar aj a to do battle. Like a flower waa his person with jny j looking at hit* two bauds he stood up and camo forth from the court chamber, followed by ull the chieftaina that were Boated there. ■o?ci. Afterwards M u I n r A j a prepared for rijmj iyi- If a i mctui white t ho Sard Iffi ) too ro- lorned. At (hat season a good crop waa raided. f , Tlie Tillage lords took a share of it from tlieculti- , for it iB they who bare a clmm opoo the eiiUivutoru; ami <lio U:ja took hi* share from these luriL oi" tl.M.- villages, becauac the llija'» claim in upon dm Tillage lortLi. When the rains begin, the /unutti, rising, fiiea i he MutiaN.trovam ; mid after the rain« the htntat returmi to the Gnnga and the other rtverv ; and the Sunt Ititu hartng come, eo it happened. At that timo the rioe crop waa and the eulriTntoTS* wive> T guarding it, oaiig luugy in the fields, causing to look very beautiful the country. Then t from the da v of Nurartiiti, the Ri'ija seated i.tr.ihmnna in the temples of I be Devas to make the j*ilrtfi/iiM of til and the Ohttntlt I'dt. Retting up the wulcrpot, the Ttr.lihninns fonted for nine dam, sleeping on the gn>M | 1 1 ufiir bed* at night, and absUifiing from tulercourBB with reft. On the niulh day thoy made a feast, — on tbo day of the l'Jn*arA they anointed tba heail of the RAja with water from the jar they hat! set op. At On:- time it is customary to t'eda* and other Vidv vi, been use Llui is the month of S a r n r> v h t ! . Ut the custom to hold a great festival to lad r u from Ashid 6ud lh -in to i.-^ji, and to raise gniat flags tip. ti tin The cowherds at thii ftenMndrfoi mills mid rrmrse sugar. The young J '■■ in the small Tillage" »port, bantering I i'ro]Hil>1 v raAmiag to Juni^ib i Ufa Mill, w. I.jfctt.

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