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iial, Descriptive, ami Historical Account of the North-West Proriacea of India— Vol. I. Baa- dolkhand, by E. F. Atkinson, B.A 190 The MAlariHgnimitni, by Shankar P. Pandit, MA. 1 The MMarikftgnimitrni translated into English Proso, by Brof. C. II, Tuwney, ILA. 222 A Dictionary of ths Hindi Language, by tho Rcf. J. D. Bate 328 Administration Report of the Bombay Presidency for 1873-74 253 Keralicdioiuni, by N. Santnnni Wariyar 25o VM.K Map of Ancient India, by Col. II. Yale, C.B 281 The Romantic Legend of Sakya Muni, by Rev. S- Sir H. Elliot'a History of India aa told by its own historians. Vol. VI. edited by Prof. J. Dow^ a . 18 1 Indian Wisdom, by Prof,. Monicr Williams, M.A. ... 285 TheBookofSer.M.i I •' ■•.byCul.II. Yule, OB. • 288 Census of the Bombay Presidency ,., 313 The Principles of Comparative Philology, by Rot. A. H. Sayco , 819 ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE Snake Worship... to face 5 Coorg Pottery, Ancient and Miniature 12 A Kanarese Inscription ... ... ... -•- 179 Boulder near Trichinapalli bearing a Buddhist ptove 272 Pour Arabic Inscriptions from Ahmadftbad ... 290 Four Arabia and Persian Inscriptions from Ah- tmidfibad 292 Ancient Bronze Jog ... Masons' Marks (two sides) ... DrAridian Burial-places in tko Erishna Districts Nikobareae Hieroglyphics FABI to faco 802 aot and 305 3-12 A Copper-plate Grant from Ddaypur .318 Inscribed Rocks in Cbaroonten, Buitcnzorg, Java . 350 ERRATA IN VOL. IV . 3 a, after line 4, insert:— Water will serva to put out firo, umbrellas 'gainst the heat, A sharp hook guides tho elephant, the os and ass we beat, Disease we euro with doctors' stuff, the serpent's bite with cbarmB, Against the fool, the worst of ilia, nature provides no arms. Page 6, note », for Ante, read vol . 111. „ 20 u t» &"' word raid Ianakungi. „ W a, 1. 10 from bottom, for rf read n> „ 40 a „ 43, j^r on read in. „ 48 a „ 4, for peij read pey. „ 48 a „ 19, for prai ■'poetical. „ 56 b „ 10, for or wad of. „ 75 h, note 91, for ie read 3T- „ 70 0) 1. 15. <l-~le ]. „ 102 b „ 12 from bottom, for Mahamadans read Muhamrnadans. „ 107 h „ 4, for vol. II. read vol. 111. „ 110 a, 1. 28, for Qrand-tu roligiosus read dolheret trhti*. (Also in the Indes, p. 371 c, I. 17) „ 161 a „ 43, far T b an ka w ax n ad T Lau- tawar. 161fi 1. 10, for harried read harried. 177 6 ., 21, and p. 178 ", L 17, for Bala- gamve read Balagimve, 179, transcription, 1. 5, for &a%$$&'& a zixtQ — read A®£3P^?f£>*k*° — . 180 a, note §, for or Palikosi I. nod or Pulikesi II. ». & „ §,qfl&'M&rurdyfolh4Tut as/d- aub bqq a noto which I .shall give on tho words 'M ■ ■tow the trans- lation of No. XIV of this Series in VoL V. 181 a, 1. 16, for being read — being. „ „ 22,/or Jidduli:- ,r - T9aA Jiddli 203 it, note J, for may be a mistake read must be a mistake. „ '), i. lS-l^./or Nidagondago rfiodNidn- gnndage. „ „ 27, and p. 306 a, I. 19, far Jayaken III road Jayakesl 111. note " , R la rvwlliankd-

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