.FjinniAiiT. I
THi; K OF TEE I ItBl 5tt the well, bo Etc i'iui. Chandra imd llic miui.-*' three n'omcu uud went to their own country, nnd Cbuudra tried to minuHO thum on the way, but they spoke as Siva m, ami La du- sigted. The king was very glad to hear that the son of Snrani luul returned with tliu drrani, art-.l ordered dancing Wlfl singing 5 be Cfosa invited n great many other tings To witness the dis- closure of tire dream. 2ffow before Chandra hod reaehod homo, Siva Dis hod come oat of ilj.tr well and gone to his own houso, where ho remained in secret. In (ho meantime Snrani thinking that Chandra Hcd tbo three wives greeted thorn like a mo! her, uud sent u servant to call IJtir.ini. When the servant told Duruni, abc said, " 1 BIO only a poor woman, why should " Siva Did «u"d. uer, it hi hotter tint von should go; no man ..eon orna- ments likMt those I have brought from tb of l he lUkahUAff, and no man can make thorn." So he made her wear thorn, and sent Lot to the king's palace. She found the bridegroom and the three I whoa the tatter saw her wearing their own clothes uud uruanicutH they modo signs to each other that she was their mot her- iu-luw, and hud worn the >t a proof of it, so they kept quite close to bor '•I lowed hm 1 wherever she went. E wihlit'l happhlOBS 10 the bridegroom and brides, but when she found they would not rin< bousa aba began to abuse Durilni* vulli- witntn meddler, burnt forehead, and saying. to my hnnse and liowirohod tltfl three wives ; you cannoi boar to see the pros* pr-rity of others: dio, unlucky wretehl This is the reason, to <, % has become blind." Dtiran! aaid to the throe wire*, " I am only n poor old woman, do not ennui* with me, T Itave nothing ." ThejTopKcd, " Vnn nro onr " Ihirmd said, " No, yon must gn OHM) of Uni oilier mother--' bob how she cuutiuucu to abuse mo !" So the girlt> left hop and went in rrflnt Ju th© iiicantima tha Ron 1 iSiudrofl'i - 1 nd a groat many 'Jugs bad assembled lu witoeM it. The king said, " Chandra, our court in now crowded, show as the dream/' So Chandra went into the hnnae to thn t hren wireaand p-iiil, " Whinh of yon 1 rCftm? ishow It to mo." The girl* wud, "TrVIutt is that ? wo know no- thing of any dream." So Chandra fled away hy the buck door. The king, saving hfl domjod torolurn. Bant to look for him nnd (frond hr. had tun away, mow hole story from the t hree wives ho banished £uriiut and her tn the palace, undsufuuioiu'd >:vu Hii, and Bald to him, w What do you know el oar*" So Siva T)ls related all his adventures fry!" beginning, and how ho had found the dream. kho king took him to his heart and was excessively pleased with him, and changed tba uumc of D untiii to Sur.oii, and took her to live in his palace. Siva Das naked his father U> build 1 1 house niirronndod hy beautiful flowers and adorned on the walls inside with carved, work. So the klnij ordered Q10 hOOSO to be begtm at onon and I wiUtin a vcolc, and tlum ho naid, M Ti» kousa is ready, no« all dNMfc" Unt Siva DAa said, H Aak all Ukj Other kings m bofbre." W J were all usembled, he chose a lucky momcut and went into thn honse, and i a tnagn I and l>e^nn to play his tlnte , Pftottexna instant I y op|>«iretl, and they were both ilebghted to sum each other again : Uer beauty lighted up the whole place, and after a little time the flower was sceu coming out and entering her nose us before, Siva Dig called all the kings who wore assembled to witness it, and wku they sow it they all ex- claimed, M What a wonderful Bight W© havo soeu I" uud praised Siva Dis, WIku Um ktOg saw it, ho gave up hb» kingdom to Siva Bis, who henceforward lived with his fiiur wive* ia the greatest happiness. T1IL' AUTHOR OF TlfE PATALACHHi. UV J, G. IiunbKK, Vu. D. In my firsi. OOtil kkos])A Oni J. Ant. vol. IL p. 30^> I had to leave it doubtful who it* author waa. t pointed out that according to Dltarmasigara'satid other Juiua ^vritc^»' Garvavalifl 1) b a n a pu 1 a, a pro- t^d of king M n u j a and King B 1» a j a , wrote aJ!m*miiU in tha year Vifcmma at Ujiaiu, »"<! that the i*-* "ij'-i-eAAi bad bcea