THE IXDIAX AyTIQCABY. rFEMJAmv, ve married her, alt looked so ngjy: for shame, prim Tillottaraa resumed her former good looks, and she and Siva Das went uwuy uud tt mn a in od a little tiuio together, and when she won starting; for hop own country ah© gave him a ftute and am alio would como to him wJlOnever he played it. feiva Dits took the flute and returned to the hou&o of tho sage, and told him how ha had frond the dream. The «i£c bold him not Us do- toy there any longer, but to go hack to Ms on a evtmtrj : nevertheless he stopped there a little time, till one day lin thought tli.it. he had never put the dream to to aao it, and also to see whether the flute woo tmo or not. Having determined CD tfik, ho played on the flute, and Tillottamu instantly jred before him and said, **You madman., have yon QO 001 DW ? this is tho Bti to duneu in Indra's conn." However she stayed with, him a little time and then went away. iva Bus thought ili fit, now ho had proved the tiuto to he true, ho would likn to ice the dream, so one day at tnidnjg] said to his sword, " Sword given by &?*, tales me to the. p [a eo in heaven where Tillottama is tug:" so the sword took him to heaven, and ke found Tillottama asleep, and the house waa lighted up hy her boanty as if by light- riiui:. while the flower of fire kept coming eut from her uoau and retreating again. Siva DAs warn excessively tl^lifrl-itc^l at tlin right and seised tho Hnwor. and she woke up instantly, overcome with joy, and said, " Your has come, for If yoo wine face to face with any of the gods yon will bo reduced to ashes and will make ma a widow : you must loan this place at once, • ' So .->i va I >.i s d Urn njffl ed to earth and went back to the sage, and after ho had taken leave of him went back to tlie conn try of the Unkehneas, His wife and her mother were very glad to tee him, and sot fowl before him, Tho kbff of tho RAkshasaa hod a yuiing unmarried iiieca whom is iva lhis married, and passed some lime in great happiness, hut at hist tli to return lo his own country : so ho went to the king and said be bad found the dream and did not wish to make any further delay. Tho king- ■■m no objection to hia goinjr,, so £ivn l>.ib hrelueted u lucky day for his journey and prepared to atart. !!>■ Mid the HiiUhasas packed up n groat many tilings in a snin.ll com- pass, and he said ho supposed they must travel hy jitiitX, but the Uakshasa king said they never went in p&Mt, hut travelled in tho air. So say- ing, bo gave his daughter a great many ujuu- meats, and hade her and hia bon-indnw Siirewell. Thty all three travelled uu wards iu the iky till they reyeucd the city of thn king whom Das had served and whose daughter ho hod married. Siva bought a house in the baxir, and than went atone to the kiug T and remained in tho palace lor two da;. :?, mid was treated with KoB. then lie told the kitip that bo hud found tho dreai. ^> lua own conntry. The king replied that He might taint hia dan irl iter and go ■; and ho adorned hur will jewellery and sent her f D.*is, and Isb und aha and Thn tu o daughters of the B&fe- BharasaH travelled along tho ikj r till they reached the place whore Chandra, the son or ??urani, and tho minister were trying to cot their way thmngh the jungle. Chandra naked if he had found the dream, who the three worn And Siva DAs said he bad funnel it, ami I ■ -mun wore I i, wivujt. So Chandra e 'tidudeJ that the dream waa in the power of one of them, and he and the minister plotted tog k I)o 8 by some stratagem, nod take the throe women t* the king and tell him thoy had found tho dream. I laving determined on this, ho on. invited isiva Dus to play at dice on Hie cd^u of a well. Now Siva D.ia wa riualligenfc man, and be snirpecEted soma design, so ho said to his wivca, " If Ubaudra shonhl throw mo into the well, ynti uinut take all your elothr a and ornaments and throw them in after mo and then go with Chandra, and if he attempt* to imsus© yon, you must any that you have made a and until that, vow be accomplished yon will aot touch a mau." So they went to play ul dire, and while they were playing ono of them gars Siva LhUapuah and threw him down the wolL lie had his •word und Onto with him, io he merely aaid, u Sword given by Siva, protect me," and'immol diately he «poka, although lie had folli n way down the well, he rose in the ■ r , bu: in tho meantime his three wives bid come and thrown their onuunenta and elotiics down