February, 187$.]
LEGENDS FROM DrXAJPUR. 57 days' journey to the south, and lie could tell where and how it was to be found. Siva Das inq aired how he could approach the hermit, and the king told him that when the hermit went to the river-side to perform his devotions he must go to his hut and clean it thoroughly and remain in hiding near, and when the hermit returned awl saw all his house cleaned he would wonder who had done it, and after considering a little time he would discover who it was and call him by name : he must then go and prostrate himself, and when he was questioned relate the whole story, Siva took the advice of the Rak- shasa, and went to the house of the sage, but found he was not at home, so he cleaned the house and remained concealed near. The sarro returned and wondered who it was that had cleaned his house, and after considering a little time he discovered that it was a king's son named Siva Das, so he called him by name, and Siva Das came and stood before him and saluted him ; the sage told him to sit down, and asked him why be had come. Siva Das told him all about the dream he had come to seek, and said he had come to him as he heard ho could give him some information about it. The sage said,
- The dream is true, but very dim cult to find ;
will remain here a few days, I will ball you how you can get it." Siva Das remained there for some time, living on fruits and roots, and at last told the sage he wished to hear how the dream could be oi J Q ' : ft l. The sage replied, " There is a pond here, and on the north side of of it isa ghat and a temple of Siva: on the night of the full-moon Ave nymphs from heaven, amongst whom is one named Tillottama, will come to bathe there ; they will descend from (heir chariot and take olf their clothes and put them on the bank of the tank and go into the water : yon most take their clothes and remain conceoIecL The girl who has the niolo on her nose is the one from whose nose the flower will come out." On the night of the full -moon the sage said. Das, to-night yon must go to the pond, tor the nymphs will descend, and I will give you some holy water which you must take with you. or they will burn you to ashes : and you must go very carefully." Siva DAs took the holy water and wt nt to the temple of Siva on the bank of the pond. In the meantime the nymphs down from heaven and went to bathe in the water. The whole place was lighted np with their beauty, aucl ohm, Dla was so enraptured that he forgot to take the holy water, but took the clothes of all five and went and hid again. When the nymphs had finished , thoy came to the ghat and found that all their ol had disappeared, so they wished that the man who had taken them might be reduced to a and as Siva Das had not the holy water of the sage with him he immediately became ashes. When the sage saw it he repeated an incan- tation and restored him to life, telling him that he would have perished entirely had he not seen •hes. So Siva D&s I with the sage till the next full-moon, when the sage a»*ain gave him some holy water and it in his dress, and told him to take the clothes i nymphs and go and sit in the temple of Siva ; and when they saw that their clothes were gone thoy would curse him, but no harm would befall him ; and when they asked him to give back their clothes he was to refuse, and they would urge him and promise that if he consent, should marry whomsoever he liked among them ; and if he married the one who had a mole on her nose and was called Tillottama the dream would be obtained, and lastly he was not to mind her being very ugly, but to marry her all same. Siva DAs gamed confidence on hearing this, and went to the temple, and the nymphs came down and bathed as before, and lie took their clothes away and wont into the temple and clung to the idol. When the nymphs had ended bathing, they came up the ghat and found their clothes gone, so they uttered the curse as before, but as Siva DAs had the holy water with him no harm happened to him. The nymphs inquired who he was, and told him to giv • clothes, hot he continued to refuse. Now they were naked and could not delay, becauso they were engaged to dance in Indra'aoourt, so they promised that if ho would restore their clothes he should marry the one he liked best among them. On hearing that, he gave hick the clothes, and they came and stood in a
- him, telling him to choose the one
he preferred, and all the time Tillottama was ng there, looking very Ogly. Siva looked at them, but was so bewildered that he could think of nothing; at last, however, as the sage had bidden him. ho married Tillottama, although she looked so ugly, but the other nyinplis said, " We are much the most bcauti-