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THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [Fjueujuli, 18"$. Tin,- f >1 lowing are tho compound prepositions, as for us Halevv hoy hitherto bun enabled to establish tlniu : — it/, oa ^- Hub, e*> /mm, iy ; e.,7. rptftt tsa ■nT (0*. it. 6-7), ' by AUmiqqahu of Hornm/ and with the suffix rrcsa ptrc *>c2i (0*. Xii. 7i, »'►), 'in the asking which he will ask of I, -to = Hub. -rr:, /or, rslaling ft>, (vwu^m- tTi^r : cane p rna nmn ran "era {Os. mi. 4, 5), ' for, on acconnL of. tho misfortunes {lit. happenings) h happanad in tho family of (ho JJoni Qurayn™.' '. fffn means prob' (9, c.7- ftfn tfiftj y*o (0#.uutv.3,«t), 'near tothelownof Mftryfllmi* crrm 1^ (Q*. Tin. 10), 'near Manbote.' 4Jh* two — Arabic ^-sr^ Hob. rone^ wn*.fer, r 4 ; of tliis only one example is known to v : (iJcrarcn. mm {Sal. 02, 10) t 'under their masters.* Zlh. in, according h, in wnfimnU'j (?), occur* in tho passage rti= htt Tea {Sal. 49, IB), 1hs sense of which in obscure. Ad verba are rare in tho tract* * some arc here appended : — Srn occurs in tho locution b& nsi (0*. xm. 1 1). yH were, mvr&fvcr (?)* cVo in fAa nt'ffht: dftaiwmftir ( 'and for what she has sinned in the night,' -n = jIt. j±* f taithoutg f.y, ttct: ifl mma {Hal. <583, G-7), ' places without purity (impure places)." It tafcem a!«o tho prolix 2, e.g. t3i =Tk (0*. xvn. 12), ztt = ff expresses negation ■ ifsisr in to (JM 682, 8 T 9), * that which aha known 1j.1t .' Tim conju nations of the Subaru language form a rich and varied category, displaying affinities with the northern Semitic idioms, especially the Arnmnwn gronp ? — i Tim fi just oh much conjunctive a* disjunctive: mfes S* {Hat. 144, &4), *A] and A%tar;' mnoi *a {Sal. th7 t ), ' OOnatrrwrtod and renovated ;' ryrfin ifci (0$, X, t 7), ■ bat ho (Almaqqahu) baa destroyed their author.' The 1 ia also placed in the beginning of a sen. tonco, fi.ff, -mb iOTt p fc (IfflZ. i!. h i[*, ] ), * will he judged (panished) ho who will commit 1uiv»h? ' or

  • wirily hi« will bn judged who,* &c.

c rnarka thf* adjunction tfwJ, tf /^ ( = tin also) : ram i« -km 7T3 (O^. in, 5, 6), ' Uiut he may cause to prosper thu men and (also) the bhabii (strangcre) of their house ;* mfttCtti t» m& npaki (0*, xm, tf-7), *and Ahiinqquliu has also grati- iicd ^hammnr according to his dumand.' Tins is> no doubt, analogous to the Arabic conjonc- tion o- v* in', occurs in lb*} unintelligible phras* cwto "»t anri (Bat, lo'J. i!). It occurs often com- bined with c» thus, t,g. re *« cro (Cl#. xxxv. C) r * great or small ones :' p^ "wc mrrE p (O*. rr. 14«, 15), ' tho Bi;ni-Mnrtad«» or (iirifw who dboy (them).'

  • rt has almost the same meaning with *», or.

Of thia only one example is known to liul-'vy: era Tar- p ti (2/j.J. as&j 2, 8)j '« who will derange them.' 1H leAen (=j| , |j|) :^rrcr=^ {Eel 4-5), 'when they made the ji'nrney(?) of Ttai 1

"' it, daring S^fU^ Cff, jfTjp i liLkjS ]TI

{//n/. 140, K 1S) ( •during (tha month called) Bhnrnuhdadm-Qadimut (of the first harvest}.' ffurp on tkti day vili*^ whan : -fond? no pn cr p» nix (A/w/. !"1 ( ^6)i •on l be day when Ydbtnnrnmlik pUicod him at tho head of tho army of Awsan.' In ninny inscriptiona the word dv is several times ropt-idfil n.i ■■■ i ginning uT phrases exhibiting various oonstrno* lions which certainly r«nuirad mneh tuoo to be finished; henae it may In ' concluded that the word in qu cri ion luw also tliv Jsmse of <ash, ■itffU, mbmiuvutlp {Corny. *.$. Sal I $20, Ac.) ar un aecannt af t h#m«i# t ton/ffrtnabli/ to. Tliis canjuniTtimt is derived from the verb »n, to turn round t its us© is extremely varied and not very iutelligibkv but tho following will portly elucidate it : — 1 . in alono appears to have the meaning of in wafomity with ; rime crrn to rin n pm- So (Of. iv. lo, 17), ' th.it I. a (the god) may accord- ingly be fiuonrablo in ennfonnily with llu- bdicsj t io Sa'dilah {lit. by which was indioatod Sa'dilah).' - m rr or pri &9COUM ; nncw t axy i rri ai (0*. t. 4-5), 'bnnartKc li« has hrarrl thorn i a their re. qupstj* viiicm vr^a pn (Oi. rn, 2, Z) § t beoftnio he bus hcanl him Cn his request. 1 8. 3 p the saiuo : nhxni vwero pn (Of, Jtvii. 3; 4), • boottt be haahennl bim in his nbqneeU' This wnjujiolion appf^rs also to mean m eon- fonm'ty k in tho paasage jrrfen [n]i -o^a txo p {Sal 117, b emdmiij to what has preceded this decision (?).*

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