[ Finer* xt, I67S The SabcEnn particlua are either prefixes or isolated words j the first category comprise* the particles a, i, s, *, o(a), uinoeg which 3, % a(a) accept the possessive uuffixeu. ta (A T . IT. Tin, O*. 1. 7, &c,)- wri (Fr, lvi. 2 dc). nj (/M. 4a 8) ? *ri (/faJ. fil, 14). m(fo *ra, U-lii), rva (Hal 681, - (//««. 466) ? «tt(Gt. xni II), pi ( Hat . 683, 8). pa ( // r f . 1 12, S}„ Ah to the use of these particles : The preposition a, joined either to nouns or to posaeastro pronouns, has the sumo meanings as in the other Semitic language*, e.g. — 1h^. in* at, en, indicating the time, place, or tlie c-tato ul" a thing or of IliB action, -'v. j^a, irp jtoi (Hal dm. 8)1 'hi (be wall of the town ofQnruu;' ^mn pu"j"" cn (flfl| 1'", G-7) 'on. the day of YdhinarmuJik an J of Wulrael;" oxa Kr, i.yi. ll) l in peace;" Drntea [Grvft, l t S) * in, ngreement" ^.designating I he persouor thing hj the aid whereof tlie net is done. In this souse 3 is often need at the end of uwriprirms in orHfr to invoke important personage*, nyta- hlv divinities, e.g. rpsornn crro (//n/. 144, H-9),
- bj the grace of World ra find Ydu'wrnha.'
Instead of the simple 3 analogous passage.* fdiaw era (soma copies hare , ra), a word signifying
- grace-, aid, assistance. 1
ZrtL Afffft, tittording jto, jeen i&a (Hal, 149, 15-10), 'according to the order of llulfan.' ih. Against: ions rx-an (Q*. xjj. 1*2), 1 (every foo) who shall commit an act of hostil- ity- against them, 11 analogous to the Infcnr JTobrcw loontion aVsi m *a nco, ' ho net the dog against him," As a conjunction 3 is Joined either to the Infinitive or to the Imperfect of a verb; in the first case it appears! to mean ,y. re rta ("wlftJ. * when he elevated the elevation to A'ttur,' or, 'makmg an offering to A'ttar." The s to the Impnrfeet servos U> form a kind of uub- ju active; there is only one example of it known axra (JEfiA 259, 7). ' that he he lined/ The "i serving as a relative protiotm when joined to Tcrhs («co Fronctms) nets as a preposition before noons and is translated by of, ejr. perl (On, 1. 3-4, Ac.), 'Almon Harmo/crtf rfcrfw h tflfaj. 47£, 0), 'all the deities of the sea," rrh wo *r>o(Fi*. xx, 1), 'king or Saba and of Itaidon/ The use of ^ as a conjunction, meaning 10 thai, is still my re re- markable : Yarn? -ftnn*> Tantrra jnrpi (<>. I. 7), * m that their house (village) was destroyed, mid their property conquered." Will) refereneo to the purtiele -j the new texts offer interesting information, though they are somewhat c-bscuro on account of their I mentarr state. lit. There is no instance of the 2 serving tu a particle of comparison before proper or appetl- nonns ; in all the parages where a Himilmr case occurs, the idea of comparison J01 mil 1 hf text. Comparison appears to have been indicated inSuhaean by 09,01 ioptC; this, bom vfr. Eg not confirmed by the texts. 2nd. Joined to a verb the particle 2 render* I ea of wA*», after. The inscription of U el -Ha jar presents tliu neoesS&Tf ejumiples : xtifu nraoj l. 7), l when he returned nrar hia wall* fhouflc) -rrcn -p trra (i'i. I. % 'aft^r they had conquered the king of Himyar/ 3rc?. The 2 designates likewise the motive of on action, and answers to the Hebrew ri, * for, beoaOM ;" this meaning appears to be inherent in "fljro, whieh is the first in thu following dim- cult expression ,- iron £th p vtua tn >.^i. u (jV. £f. /. 8), which Halrfvy proposeu to truurdute as — ' For those of the Coantrj of Habaalmi 4uianii) had toitos lu>ld of him at Lvoflian,' or, literally, * For th«y hnd tulr^n hold of him, when they made invasion, those of thu earth of Halms hat." 4th, In . ty with the Hebrew -, fiftbmao 3 is used to de^iguate the purpose or an action, and hun the meaning of in ttrttr., Tin; following example, a* has been olworvedby Ofliaminr, is vtsty doohdvo - — r j .-i . -ii -uc =h •sen (Ok. xvk o). ' Tn onb-r li u.y caut-e men' i ho inhabiUuiU uf their huusu to prosptrr.' &th. But Lhe l«jft uud most surprising us*' of the particle 2 in Sabuxin !m that it iutlimu^ lite accnHativc and even the dative* The examplnt lire too abundant to allow of «hiub(& about the oo> curacy of 1 lule vy't copies. The following tu elearest p o m i g ea ?— t^xn ^vro tihfQ (Wo' 1 h ' They hare dedicated to Altar or Qabud"'/ »! the usual formula : -mr© »^» (*&*)■ I 'ike- wise nnferj mwr vto p (lint. tJiJl, 2), and Trrrc ai ^fe ka nc {Wit 192, B), in contnu-t with I he usual locution -rft? ro rta (Hat. 420, S)< The dative ib indicated in phnieeft soeh as itxn frnr crV {Eat* 53-1, ii), k Ho ha* renovated to the