[Txhkitast, IB70. have recourse to comhinatiana of dtrmonstrativo foots, the personal signiticatien whereof is rather accidental than natural. Tins becomes clear from the analysts of •», «*, 15 1, the organic form Of all of which is tnrmm, meaning literally ' it 5fwi (tri) it jt^m, 7^ is composed ofrrr>rn , w qui (*tt) id* Let ub odd that the comploto form of those pronomiy is pj {-=«), pa. Tho final i is radical., as fa proved by the plural tmn, tens*, ps* common to all the Semitic lan- guages, and whore, the j has maintained itself under tho form of n. For the second piston the originality uf tho 2 becomes also evident by comparing the poHseasivc suffix -j * /A u#,' although lino original -pi* exists only in Kgyptian ; E3 ot (Huh 450, 8) *pasuit mmdfiH, i)h«hi' t=3 sfe (*£. 437,&)>wm'J «0Mbm' (<Muf.2fai.250, 3, 4; &. 47ft, 1 7) } 1 would here mention tho Persian U*£ ' ttlufuU,' which HalcVy dees not notice, but which is at least in the writing, if not in tho moaning, nearly tho name with ca and may liaro Something to do with it. From tho above analysis ho concludes that's* is composed of nrawi ' ij >jul [<:>!) fcfont is, and jo* from y^-jivi ' » qm («f) id, Slew*/ lastly ma* from vrmm ' U qu!(c«t) idem qui + j.L' In consequence i*if the too Impersonal locuf inns of tho inscriptions, it is imponriblu to ascertain wheil tor the Hebrew form of the first person ■»*, «a» (p*)wMinusoaiiiuujjrtbuSalMcanj! + TJii • |,i- ; , rd imprubeblo, bticauMe these forma are also unusual in the cognate languages. A« for us tho second person is concern**!, it could not he different from the form rw, t
- common in tho Semitic
family, Tfcfl isolated pronoun of the third per- eon i* identical with the demonstrative m (hsi), but it is not known whether tho feminine wafl m (tm), as in the sister languages, or whether it resemble' 1 r!n- il-'iuoustrntive form nvi peculiar to the Sobsain, The maseii lino plural on occurs in several passages (JSTol. 4-10, 2; ib. 3-M, 13; 346, 4), und the analogy of thu other Scmilio languages presupposes the certain esdsteaco of tlie compound p (= F u? 4 ) for the feminine. No possessive suffixes except those of tho th ird person are to be met with : tt for the singular masculine, and c for the same in the Ifimean dia- lect; the i often disappears in writingt tin (Or, L I), icw (Hal. m t I), pn (flat, 187, 2) *bifl son, exactly like the Persian J* in J&j^fe tctb (0*, xnx* 7) 'his eye' the second i is re. dnndant. No example of the feminine exists, as inPersku, and perhaps acta overdid, ulthqngh Ealc'vy say* it must certainly Imvu been rr, rr« Instead of the simple w, somBtimes c, en, j, p occur: rtcra = rtcm {(k. u h) 'in hi ro- qnest-,' parr ran cnopi *&w n& {Hat, 47% 10) 'may Iuh country (Ift. earth), his people, and bis town perish {Hi, die).' This infcerestiog form, which it is impossible to take for a pltual luffix, mnst be considered as composed of x* prolonged by means of the particles a and > respectively serving as tho Indefinite and the definite article. Tito same occurs here and there in Hebrew, where is*, urcg occur for w and for no. This in confirmed also in Phumtuian ; for which nee SchJottmann in Z, d. D, M. O, 1870 p. m, do. Lfot of the Pronouns fe&m Salman tmt*. Dtmowtrative Prenoutif, Singular. PlttraL t ». nf/. this, *w, n^ ntm theso. fi this, fm. Kt, tm tout, p thoso, P tll «fc. d, ncn those. 3 tllllt. Interrogative Frenaun*. p, ji who ? noj ( = ) what ? Tifhttivo i'rwwuax, % rl ho who, of, from, nn/. she who, of; Irom- ti he of, ho from. Si ha who, LolaUd Fmaml Frmcmns. vn ho. en they. Btijfijud Fcrsomtl I'rmQun*.
- , = >his.
be tlieir. Dual r *ort. iVumeratt, .If^a^Mre*, an J nhronofogy, Tho Snbcean like the Arabia niuncruht have a double form, thu ono being the simple radical word, and tho otin | > ting, as in certain Arabio numbers, tho addition of a n in tho mascuhne, whilat reserving tho simplu form for the feminine : — 1 tw (Hal. 446, 3,J nm (Hal. 508, 2,) rvK(HaL667,l'3.) rrw(N.H. i,) 9 <tfi(Hai.8*3,4sWr.&)<ftii (Hat. 509, 6.) ■ftn (Hal. 667, 8.)