[J**!****, lBrft- perwn, they leave ua in uncertainty about the personal snffixtii of thn first ami the Kecouct parson of tbe Perfect, Tbera in, in reason to before that they were f and .j, a* in Etls topic. To die oonjogatiun of the verl* i-x, it is to be observed that Uie i is enppmwed in tiie Subjuna. tm»;tJiiu pr» (Fr. No. XI. 3), $* (i/.^SJ, 7^ (Of. iv. 13), from tt, rrv n^ Tbe ^ verba never elide the yorf : ra ( Ab. I , ), rtai (1/ 1)* nna (fl, $31, 2 ; 682, g) . It ig interesting to find that in tbe <» verba the medial t la re- tamed ; jih, -rn, rro. It was probably pronounced 4 aa in Ethinpie, and did not become e, a* in Arabic, Tbe same analogy with tbe KtMopflg system ia observable also in tbe v* roots; tbe yad remaina in c-o (//. ?£, 1 ; O*. iv. ft), ^ (Jf. 8, I), sometimes also >p (ff . 44, 2. fa yo rf a elided before tbe somiea beginning with n consonant : tkt (Of. xxxiv. 4). In the Perfect and Imperfect, personal sumacs may be added, as in Arabic. Tho rule is that in tho Perfect the suffix is appended immediate- ly alter the third radical j <uj. vhc (Om.xi vrrrtso (//, C8I, 4), to (probably for ^» " heard her prayer, // ,N1. 7), ^^ (Om. i*. ft), -r^ (Or. xxx it. 6). Example i«.r tbe simplu Im- perfect -«b. (MinoJan dial. = ttbst), oer vwst, IT. 86?, 2-3), ecro (= cmc, /T. 4& i , tsrwc (— aiwr, If ' Imperfect :— xvxrr (It. 680, g), f. rerf* (ff. e*L Partttfi'ete. l«t Perfect pars, 3rd p. f. Kndp, 2nd p. C Dual tu, Dualf. n,s. ■so srco rrrcot or -psc? Toonoe? r ISO So P KB £* fed let Bnd Perfect. Imperfect. Imperfect. -aa TO TOC T 5-
- -■
II • Cuusativu IH- Internal Kefleetive .„,.,.. [ V External Etdfeottro V. fonsativc and Befieetive. VL Causative and HeciprocoJ. I'. U-1
rn Kan n I n fen WB rrtTrrc ifot xxn=i n» WVtt £e£w« vnpi I?. V. VL lit PrBQBtivD... '•■in i^b "CTorri 2nd Preeattre... PasaiTe , SQ REJ*