Duoanrn. 1075.]
I2sSCRIPTIt m ahmaijailU). bmrinl wonaaterie* of Q t a n t ft p ti r a an-, krutuu&iln. In ih- Hud that thu it family foil under the | tin- T u- ruHhk.li kings, but Hiill It continued to reigv r LavaHona ramn nuiJ.Mm- lio was inir(^i-lrtl by his #00 li ■ - liiH'iiu, and he again wm. EbDowod i P r a t i t u b f n a . Tiny BOO I in ue4 B ml 11 Tlu> men Ijocaam extinct by the ilvatli of Prui 1- Useiu. A century after arami in Ik 1 I he powerful king C b ay a I a r~a ja, whose tin minion extended to T I wan eonYcrtt-d to Buddhism by bin wife, and repaired templet! ivhieh had been destroyed. From Ma i to the r«ar 1I10R, in. which TArlnAihn'fl ii.: i, 1 '"'i years piiAHod ; conaa* ououtly tbe history ta QOnlmaod tn th« year 1448 of our em. mSO^PTMHIB EK034 AHMAD Y1HD. BV II, BLOUHJI USS JLA, c;T,cr I. A copy of the following Puraian quatrain mn taken by Mr. BttrgaM fiwn <>nnj Alrnai d-i Dargnhat Snrkhcj, wear Almnul ■ nun- tmin BtandA on the wall over thu door : — 7. Traiulatwn. ocean uf Ahmari's hands fit-alters pearl*, and tho heni of hope becomes like Fttrwra'fi
- irc.
It wonld not he aatoniehing if the whole earlb raided lier head, in order to bow down at hu nhriiie. 11. Mr, Burgess rent mu ■owe lime ego a rabbin £ ■i:ineri prion from IWi Ifnrtr' m Ahmadabild, of which ha baa given a do* Mrtptto-p ni hi I I taO <*K pp. 4;j to ; 1t - I ] m - In., anJ conaistfl of niuu Hues : — 1. Uijli^eli c .^._^l a^iu jStjJi ^1*^1 £~j^ 9. 6. ....... ia't-J | ^^^1 Wla*. aj U; l»i— ' jt^ f i ' Thi« Sua bnildinu i toa, onwt- e«l forpioiiR purpoaei*, and llu 1 high portico and iur Dftixdod walls, went built, and the t bearing truca wert* plante<-l« togethor with the wall iind tan tank, so tlint mvq uml flJUinala i be refrcsluMl, during the roijm of Ung oT kings of the ago, who relies on the* help of the All-MurcilU, NJlijir uddu woddtn A bul Pakb il t I in n I Shiih, Km of if u !i a m m a d S b I A h m a d S b lit . fou of MiiliiimmadSL A b , *oa of M u (tftfjfaT S b h h , 1 1n- hing--Bmy I h I
- s kingdom!— by Sri R«i Uarir,
tbv royal Islam], tbo nurse,— may bin augu*t afajeatj place ber ot iimi% Uio gflardod On the Bth Jumlda I. of the 2Cfcb ; . [l-'th March, 14' be of the iniWi la»r as ll dots not agree with the histories. Finit of all, t hi- npeTlingof the numarala in extronnlinary ; .mi Beoondly, the SBSflJ y«ir of U 3hiV* reign would* bo 898 or 8W, not 89ft i* ba i-" 1 '^ began to reigi '< t,,B IliKl • Barir ' in t lu ._- AsaJak for I ; albrevia- 1 resham* (fur ubre»kam ), • ailk/ V. J Tho folhming SonalrrH : ™ « *>« l,m irnllop^ ind f a*wiil Im- tfxerred, A gi«a the date I3*h Taosh Sudi li2l (*.!>. MWy. Tbetnuala-